Miscellaneous Functions for Bioinformatics and Bayesian Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘bayesbio’ version 1.0.0

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bayesbio-package bayesbio: Miscellaneous functions useful in bioinformatics and Bayesian statistics
allDups Identify all duplicates values in a vector.
a_hat_mle Likelihood function of the James-Stein shrinkage factor.
bayesbio bayesbio: Miscellaneous functions useful in bioinformatics and Bayesian statistics
cbindFill cbind while converting missing entries to NA.
createStrings Creates random, unique character strings.
ggHorizBar Create a color-labeled horizontal bar plot in ggplot2.
jaccardSets Jaccard index of two character vectors.
mgsub Multiple pattern gsub.
nearestTime Merge data frames based on the nearest datetime differences.
nearestTimeandID Merge data frames based on the nearest datetime differences and an ID column. Also removes duplicate column names from the result.
p.adjust.nlp Adjust p-values where n is less than p.
pubmedQuery Perform PubMed queries on 2x2 combinations of term vectors.
subsupDiag Add values to the super- and sub-diagonals of a matrix.
unequalVarShrink Perform James-Stein shrinkage estimation using unequal variances
weightedShrink Weighted shrinkage estimation.