bayesHistogram {bayesSurv}R Documentation

Smoothing of a uni- or bivariate histogram using Bayesian G-splines


A function to estimate a density of a uni- or bivariate (possibly censored) sample. The density is specified as a mixture of Bayesian G-splines (normal densities with equidistant means and equal variances). This function performs an MCMC sampling from the posterior distribution of unknown quantities in the density specification. Other method functions are available to visualize resulting density estimate.

This function served as a basis for further developed bayesBisurvreg, bayessurvreg2 and bayessurvreg3 functions. However, in contrast to these functions, bayesHistogram does not allow for doubly censoring.

Bivariate case:

Let Yi,l,  i=1,,N,  l=1,2Y_{i,l},\; i=1,\dots,N,\; l=1,2 be observations for the iith cluster and the first and the second unit (dimension). The bivariate observations Yi=(Yi,1,Yi,2),  i=1,,NY_i=(Y_{i,1},\,Y_{i,2})',\;i=1,\dots,N are assumed to be i.i.d. with a~bivariate density gy(y1,y2)g_{y}(y_1,\,y_2). This density is expressed as a~mixture of Bayesian G-splines (normal densities with equidistant means and constant variance matrices). We distinguish two, theoretically equivalent, specifications.

Specification 1

(Y1,Y2)j1=K1K1j2=K2K2wj1,j2N2(μ(j1,j2),\mboxdiag(σ12,σ22))(Y_1,\,Y_2)' \sim \sum_{j_1=-K_1}^{K_1}\sum_{j_2=-K_2}^{K_2} w_{j_1,j_2} N_2(\mu_{(j_1,j_2)},\,\mbox{diag}(\sigma_1^2,\,\sigma_2^2))

where σ12,σ22\sigma_1^2,\,\sigma_2^2 are unknown basis variances and μ(j1,j2)=(μ1,j1,μ2,j2)\mu_{(j_1,j_2)} = (\mu_{1,j_1},\,\mu_{2,j_2})' is an~equidistant grid of knots symmetric around the unknown point (γ1,γ2)(\gamma_1,\,\gamma_2)' and related to the unknown basis variances through the relationship

μ1,j1=γ1+j1δ1σ1,j1=K1,,K1,\mu_{1,j_1} = \gamma_1 + j_1\delta_1\sigma_1,\quad j_1=-K_1,\dots,K_1,

μ2,j2=γ2+j2δ2σ2,j2=K2,,K2,\mu_{2,j_2} = \gamma_2 + j_2\delta_2\sigma_2,\quad j_2=-K_2,\dots,K_2,

where δ1,δ2\delta_1,\,\delta_2 are fixed constants, e.g. δ1=δ2=2/3\delta_1=\delta_2=2/3 (which has a~justification of being close to cubic B-splines).

Specification 2

(Y1,Y2)(α1,α2)+S(Y1,Y2)(Y_1,\,Y_2)' \sim (\alpha_1,\,\alpha_2)'+ \bold{S}\,(Y_1,\,Y_2)'

where (α1,α2)(\alpha_1,\,\alpha_2)' is an unknown intercept term and S\mboxisadiagonalmatrixwithτ1\mboxandτ2\mboxonadiagonal,\bold{S} \mbox{ is a diagonal matrix with } \tau_1 \mbox{ and }\tau_2 \mbox{ on a diagonal,} i.e. τ1,τ2\tau_1,\,\tau_2 are unknown scale parameters. (V1,V2)(V_1,\,V_2)' is then standardized observational vector which is distributed according to the bivariate normal mixture, i.e.

(V1,V2)j1=K1K1j2=K2K2wj1,j2N2(μ(j1,j2),\mboxdiag(σ12,σ22))(V_1,\,V_2)'\sim \sum_{j_1=-K_1}^{K_1}\sum_{j_2=-K_2}^{K_2} w_{j_1,j_2} N_2(\mu_{(j_1,j_2)},\,\mbox{diag}(\sigma_1^2, \sigma_2^2))

where μ(j1,j2)=(μ1,j1,μ2,j2)\mu_{(j_1,j_2)} = (\mu_{1,j_1},\,\mu_{2,j_2})' is an~equidistant grid of fixed knots (means), usually symmetric about the fixed point (γ1,γ2)=(0,0)(\gamma_1,\,\gamma_2)'=(0, 0)' and σ12,σ22\sigma_1^2,\,\sigma_2^2 are fixed basis variances. Reasonable values for the numbers of grid points K1K_1 and K2K_2 are K1=K2=15K_1=K_2=15 with the distance between the two knots equal to δ=0.3\delta=0.3 and for the basis variances σ12σ22=0.22.\sigma_1^2\sigma_2^2=0.2^2.

Univariate case:

It is a~direct simplification of the bivariate case.


bayesHistogram(y1, y2,
   nsimul = list(niter = 10, nthin = 1, nburn = 0, nwrite = 10),
   prior, init = list(iter = 0),
   mcmc.par = list(type.update.a = "slice", k.overrelax.a = 1,
                   k.overrelax.sigma = 1, k.overrelax.scale = 1),
   store = list(a = FALSE, y = FALSE, r = FALSE),



response for the first dimension in the form of a survival object created using Surv.


response for the second dimension in the form of a survival object created using Surv. If the response is one-dimensional this item is missing.


a list giving the number of iterations of the MCMC and other parameters of the simulation.


total number of sampled values after discarding thinned ones, burn-up included;


thinning interval;


number of sampled values in a burn-up period after discarding thinned values. This value should be smaller than niter. If not, nburn is set to niter - 1. It can be set to zero;


an interval at which information about the number of performed iterations is print on the screen and during the burn-up period an interval with which the sampled values are writen to files;


a list that identifies prior hyperparameters and prior choices. See the paper Komárek and Lesaffre (2008) and the PhD. thesis Komárek (2006) for more details.

Some prior parameters can be guessed by the function itself. If you want to do so, set such parameters to NULL. Set to NULL also the parameters that are not needed in your model.


a~number giving which specification of the model is used. It can be one of the following numbers:


with this specification positions of the middle knots γ1,,γq,\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_q, where qq is dimension of the G-spline and basis standard deviations σ0,1,,σ0,q\sigma_{0,1},\dots,\sigma_{0,q} are estimated. At the same time the G-spline intercepts α1,,αq\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_q and the G-spline scale parameters s1,,sqs_{1},\dots,s_{q} are assumed to be fixed (usually, intercepts to zero and scales to 1). The user can specified the fixed quantities in the init parameter of this function


with this specification, G-spline intercepts α1,,αq\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_q and the G-spline scale parameters s1,,sqs_{1},\dots,s_{q} are estimated at the same time positions of the middle knots γ1,,γq\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_q and basis standard deviations σ0,1,,σ0,q\sigma_{0,1},\dots,\sigma_{0,q} are assumed to be fixed (usually, middle knots to zero ans basis standard deviations to some smaller number like 0.2) The user can specified the fixed quantities in the init parameter of this function


specification of the number of knots in each dimension, i.e. K is a vector of length equal to the dimension of the data qq and Kj,K_j, j=1,,qj=1,\dots,q determines that the subscript kjk_j of the knots runs over Kj,,0,,Kj-K_j,\dots,0,\dots,K_j. A value Kj=0K_j=0 is valid as well. There are only some restriction on the minimal value of KjK_j with respect to the choice of the neighbor system and possibly the order of the conditional autoregression in the prior of transformed weights (see below).


subscript k1kqk_1\dots k_q of the knot whose transformed weight ak1kqa_{k_1\dots k_q} will constantly be equal to zero. This is here for identifiability. To avoid numerical problems it is highly recommended to set izero=rep(0, q). izero[j] should be taken from the set Kj,,Kj-K_j, \dots, K_j.


identification of the neighboring system for the Markov random field prior of transformed mixture weights ak1k2a_{k_1\,k_2}. This can be substring of one of the following strings:


“univariate conditional autoregression”: a~prior based on squared differences of given order mm (see argument order) in each row and column.

For univariate smoothing:

p(a)exp{λ2k=K+mK(Δmak)2}, p(a) \propto \exp\Bigl\{-\frac{\lambda}{2}\sum_{k=-K+m}^K\bigl(\Delta^m a_{k}\bigr)^2\Bigr\},

where Δm\Delta^m denotes the difference operator of order mm, i.e. Δ1ak=akak1\Delta^1 a_k = a_k - a_{k-1} and Δmak=Δm1akΔm1ak1,\Delta^m a_k = \Delta^{m-1}a_k - \Delta^{m-1}a_{k-1}, m2.m \geq 2.

For bivariate smoothing:

p(a)exp{λ12k1=K1K1k2=K2+mK2(Δ1mak1,k2)2λ22k2=K2K2k1=K1+mK1(Δ2mak1,k2)2}, p(a) \propto \exp\Bigl\{ -\frac{\lambda_1}{2}\sum_{k_1=-K_1}^{K_1}\sum_{k_2=-K_2+m}^{K_2} \bigl(\Delta_1^m a_{k_1,k_2}\bigr)^2 -\frac{\lambda_2}{2}\sum_{k_2=-K_2}^{K_2}\sum_{k_1=-K_1+m}^{K_1} \bigl(\Delta_2^m a_{k_1,k_2}\bigr)^2 \Bigr\},

where Δlm\Delta_l^m denotes the difference operator of order mm acting in the llth margin, e.g.

Δ12=ak1,k22ak1,k21+ak1,k22.\Delta_1^2 = a_{k_1,k_2} - 2a_{k_1,k_2-1} + a_{k_1,k_2-2}.

The precision parameters λ1\lambda_1 and λ2\lambda_2 might be forced to be equal (see argument equal.lambda.)


this prior is based on eight nearest neighbors (i.e. except on edges, each full conditional depends only on eight nearest neighbors) and local quadratic smoothing. It applies only in the case of bivariate smoothing. The prior is then defined as

p(a)exp{λ2k1=K1K11k2=K2K21(Δak1,k2)2}, p(a) \propto \exp \Bigl\{-\frac{\lambda}{2}\sum_{k_1=-K_1}^{K_1-1}\sum_{k_2=-K_2}^{K_2-1} \bigl(\Delta a_{k_1,k_2} \bigr)^2\Bigr\},


Δak1,k2=ak1,k2ak1+1,k2ak1,k2+1+ak1+1,k2+1.\Delta a_{k_1,k_2} = a_{k_1,k_2} - a_{k_1+1,k_2} - a_{k_1, k_2+1} + a_{k_1+1,k_2+1}.




order of the conditional autoregression if neighbor.system = uniCAR. Implemented are 1, 2, 3. If order = 0 and neighbor.system = uniCAR then mixture weights are assumed to be fixed and equal to their initial values specified by the init parameter (see below). Note that the numbers Kj,K_j, j=1,,qj=1,\dots,q must be all equal to or higher than order.


TRUE/FALSE applicable in the case when a density of bivariate observations is estimated and neighbor.system = uniCAR. It specifies whether there is only one common Markov random field precision parameter λ\lambda for all margins (dimensions) or whether each margin (dimension) has its own precision parameter λ\lambda. For all other neighbor systems is equal.lambda automatically TRUE.


specification of the prior distributions for the Markov random field precision parameter(s) λ\lambda (when equal.lambda = TRUE) or λ1,,λq\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_q (when equal.lambda = TRUE). This is a vector of substring of one of the following strings (one substring for each margin if equal.lambda = FALSE, otherwise just one substring):


the λ\lambda parameter is then assumed to be fixed and equal to its initial values given by init (see below).


a particular λ\lambda parameter has a priori gamma distribution with shape gjg_j and rate (inverse scale) hjh_j where j=1j=1 if equal.lambda=TRUE and j=1,,qj=1,\dots,q if equal.lambda=TRUE. Shape and rate parameters are specified by shape.lambda, rate.lambda (see below).


a particular 1/λ1/\sqrt{\lambda} parameter (i.e.a standard deviation of the Markov random field) has a priori a uniform distribution on the interval (0,Sj)(0, S_j) where j=1j=1 if equal.lambda=TRUE and j=1,,qj=1,\dots,q if equal.lambda=TRUE. Upper limit of intervals is specified by rate.lambda (see below).


specification of the prior distribution for a reference knot (intercept) γ\gamma in each dimension. This is a vector of substrings of one of the following strings (one substring for each margin):


the γ\gamma parameter is then assumed to be fixed and equal to its initial values given by init (see below).


the γ\gamma parameter has a priori a normal distribution with mean and variance given by mean.gamma and var.gamma.


specification of the prior distribution for basis standard deviations of the G-spline in each dimension. This is a vector of substrings of one of the following strings (one substring for each margin):


the σ\sigma parameter is then assumed to be fixed and equal to its initial values given by init (see below).


a particular σ2\sigma^{-2} parameter has a priori gamma distribution with shape ζj\zeta_j and rate (inverse scale) ηj\eta_j where j=1,,qj=1,\dots,q. Shape and rate parameters are specified by shape.sigma, rate.sigma (see below).


a particular σ\sigma parameter has a priori a uniform distribution on the interval (0,Sj)(0, S_j). Upper limit of intervals is specified by rate.sigma (see below).


specification of the prior distribution for the intercept terms α1,,αq\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_q (2nd specification) in each dimension. This is a vector of substrings of one of the following strings (one substring for each margin):


the intercept parameter is then assumed to be fixed and equal to its initial values given by init (see below).


the intercept parameter has a priori a normal distribution with mean and variance given by mean.intercept and var.intercept.


specification of the prior distribution for the scale parameter (2nd specification) of the G-spline in each dimension This is a vector of substrings of one of the following strings (one substring for each margin):


the scale parameter is then assumed to be fixed and equal to its initial values given by init (see below).


a particular scale2scale^{-2} parameter has a priori gamma distribution with shape ζj\zeta_j and rate (inverse scale) ηj\eta_j where j=1,,qj=1,\dots,q. Shape and rate parameters are specified by shape.scale, rate.scale (see below).


a particular scalescale parameter has a priori a uniform distribution on the interval (0,Sj)(0, S_j). Upper limit of intervals is specified by rate.scale (see below).


values of c1,,cqc_1,\dots,c_q which serve to compute the distance δj\delta_j between two consecutive knots in each dimension. The knot μjk,\mu_{j\,k}, j=1,,q,j=1,\dots,q, k=Kj,,Kjk=-K_j,\dots,K_j is defined as μjk=γj+kδj\mu_{j\,k} = \gamma_j + k\,\delta_j with δj=cjσj\delta_j = c_j\,\sigma_j.


these are means for the normal prior distribution of middle knots γ1,,γq\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_q in each dimension if this prior is normal. For fixed γ\gamma an appropriate element of the vector mean.gamma may be whatever.


these are variances for the normal prior distribution of middle knots γ1,,γq\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_q in each dimension if this prior is normal. For fixed γ\gamma an appropriate element of the vector var.gamma may be whatever.


these are shape parameters for the gamma prior (if used) of Markov random field precision parameters λ1,,λq\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_q (if equal.lambda = FALSE) or λ1\lambda_1 (if equal.lambda = TRUE).


these are rate parameters for the gamma prior (if prior.lambda = gamma) of Markov random field precision parameters λ1,,λq\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_q (if equal.lambda = FALSE) or λ1\lambda_1 (if equal.lambda = TRUE) or upper limits of the uniform prior (if prior.lambda = sduniform) of Markov random field standard deviation parameters λ11/2,,λq1/2\lambda_1^{-1/2},\dots,\lambda_q^{-1/2} (if equal.lambda = FALSE) or λ11/2\lambda_1^{-1/2} (if equal.lambda = TRUE).


these are shape parameters for the gamma prior (if used) of basis inverse variances σ12,,σq2\sigma_1^{-2},\dots,\sigma_q^{-2}.


these are rate parameters for the gamma prior (if prior.sigma = gamma) of basis inverse variances σ12,,σq2\sigma_1^{-2},\dots,\sigma_q^{-2} or upper limits of the uniform prior (if prior.sigma = sduniform) of basis standard deviations σ1,,σq\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_q.


these are means for the normal prior distribution of the G-spline intercepts (2nd specification) α1,,αq\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_q in each dimension if this prior is normal. For fixed α\alpha an appropriate element of the vector mean.intercept may be whatever.


these are variances for the normal prior distribution of the G-spline intercepts α1,,αq\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_q in each dimension if this prior is normal. For fixed α\alpha an appropriate element of the vector var.alpha may be whatever.


these are shape parameters for the gamma prior (if used) of the G-spline scale parameter (2nd specification) scale12,,scaleq2scale_1^{-2},\dots,scale_q^{-2}.


these are rate parameters for the gamma prior (if prior.scale = gamma) of the G-spline inverse variances scale12,,scaleq2scale_1^{-2},\dots,scale_q^{-2} or upper limits of the uniform prior (if prior.scale = sduniform) of the G-spline scale scale1,,scaleqscale_1,\dots,scale_q.


a list of the initial values to start the McMC. Set to NULL such parameters that you want the program should itself sample for you or parameters that are not needed in your model.


the number of the iteration to which the initial values correspond, usually zero.


vector/matrix of initial transformed mixture weights ak1,a_{k_1}, k1=K1,,K1k_1=-K_1,\dots,K_1 if univariate density is estimated; ak1k2,a_{k_1\,k_2}, k1=K1,,K1,k_1=-K_1,\dots,K_1, k2=K2,,K2,k_2=-K_2,\dots,K_2, if bivariate density is estimated. This initial value can be guessed by the function itself.


initial values for Markov random field precision parameter(s) λ\lambda (if equal.lambda = TRUE), λ1,,λq\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_q (if equal.lambda = FALSE.)


initial values for the middle knots in each dimension.

If prior$specification = 2 it is recommended (for easier interpretation of the results) to set init$gamma to zero for all dimensions.

If prior$specification = 1 init$gamma should be approximately equal to the mean value of the data in each margin.


initial values for basis standard deviations in each dimension.

If prior$specification = 2 this should be approximately equal to the range of standardized data (let say 4 + 4) divided by the number of knots in each margin and multiplied by something like 2/3.

If prior$specification = 1 this should be approximately equal to the range of your data divided by the number of knots in each margin and multiplied again by something like 2/3.


initial values for the intercept term in each dimension.

Note that if prior$specification = 1 this initial value is always changed to zero for all dimensions.


initial values for the G-spline scale parameter in each dimension.

Note that if prior$specification = 1 this initial value is always changed to one for all dimensions.


initial values for (possibly unobserved censored) observations. This should be either a vector of length equal to the sample size if the response is univariate or a matrix with as many rows as is the sample size and two columns if the response is bivariate. Be aware that init$y must be consistent with data supplied. This initial can be guessed by the function itself. Possible missing values in init$y tells the function to guess the initial value.


initial values for labels of components to which the (augmented) observations belong. This initial can be guessed by the function itself. This should be either a vector of length equal to the sample size if the response is univariate or a matrix with as many rows as is the sample size and two columns if the response is bivariate. Values in the first column of this matrix should be between -prior$K[1] and prior$K[1], values in the second column of this matrix between -prior$K[2] and prior$K[2], e.g. when init$r[i,1:2] = c(-3, 6) it means that the iith observation is initially assigned to the component with the mean μ=(μ1,μ2)\boldsymbol{\mu}=(\mu_1, \mu_2)' where

μ1=μ1,3=γ13c1σ1\mu_1 = \mu_{1,\,-3} = \gamma_1 -3\,c_1\sigma_1


μ2=μ2,6=γ2+6c2σ2.\mu_2 = \mu_{2,\,6} = \gamma_2 +6\,c_2\sigma_2.


a list specifying further details of the McMC simulation. There are default values implemented for all components of this list.


it specifies the McMC method to update transformed mixture weights aa. It is a~substring of one of the following strings:


slice sampler of Neal (2003) is used (default choice);


adaptive rejection sampling of Gilks and Wild (1992) is used with starting abscissae equal to 15%, 50% and 85% quantiles of a~piecewise exponential approximation to the full conditional from the previous iteration;


adaptive rejection sampling of Gilks and Wild (1992) is used with starting abscissae equal to the mode and plus/minus twice approximate standard deviation of the full conditional distribution


this specifies a frequency of overrelaxed updates of transformed mixture weights aa when slice sampler is used. Every kkth value is sampled in a usual way (without overrelaxation). If you do not want overrelaxation at all, set k.overrelax.a to 1 (default choice). Note that overrelaxation can be only done with the slice sampler (and not with adaptive rejection sampling).


a vector of length equal to the dimension of the G-spline specifying a frequency of overrelaxed updates of basis G-spline variances. If you do not want overrelaxation at all, set all components of k.overrelax.sigma to 1 (default choice).


a vector of length equal to the dimension of the G-spline specifying a frequency of overrelaxed updates of the G-spline scale parameters (2nd specification). If you do not want overrelaxation at all, set all components of k.overrelax.scale to 1 (default choice).


a~list of logical values specifying which chains that are not stored by default are to be stored. The list can have the following components.


if TRUE then all the transformed mixture weights ak1,k2,a_{k_1,\,k_2}, k1=K1,,K1,k_1=-K_1,\dots,K_1, k2=K2,,K2,k_2=-K_2,\dots,K_2, related to the G-spline are stored.


if TRUE then augmented log-event times for all observations are stored.


if TRUE then labels of mixture components for residuals are stored.


a string that specifies a directory where all sampled values are to be stored.


A list of class bayesHistogram containing an information concerning the initial values and prior choices.

Files created

Additionally, the following files with sampled values are stored in a directory specified by dir argument of this function (some of them are created only on request, see store parameter of this function).

Headers are written to all files created by default and to files asked by the user via the argument store. All sampled values are written in files created by default and to files asked by the user via the argument store. In the files for which the corresponding store component is FALSE, every nsimul$nwrite value is written during the whole MCMC (this might be useful to restart the MCMC from some specific point).

The following files are created:


one column labeled iteration with indeces of MCMC iterations to which the stored sampled values correspond.


columns labeled k, Mean.1, Mean.2, D.1.1, D.2.1, D.2.2 in the bivariate case and columns labeled k, Mean.1, D.1.1 in the univariate case, where

k = number of mixture components that had probability numerically higher than zero;

Mean.1 = \mboxE(Yi,1)\mbox{E}(Y_{i,1});

Mean.2 = \mboxE(Yi,2)\mbox{E}(Y_{i,2});

D.1.1 = \mboxvar(Yi,1)\mbox{var}(Y_{i,1});

D.2.1 = \mboxcov(Yi,1,Yi,2)\mbox{cov}(Y_{i,1},\,Y_{i,2});

D.2.2 = \mboxvar(Yi,2)\mbox{var}(Y_{i,2}).


sampled mixture weights wk1,k2w_{k_1,\,k_2} of mixture components that had probabilities numerically higher than zero.


indeces k1,  k2,k_1,\;k_2, k1{K1,,K1},k_1 \in\{-K_1, \dots, K_1\}, k2{K2,,K2}k_2 \in\{-K_2, \dots, K_2\} of mixture components that had probabilities numerically higher than zero. It corresponds to the weights in mweight.sim.


characteristics of the sampled G-spline (distribution of (Yi,1,Yi,2)(Y_{i,1},\,Y_{i,2})'). This file together with mixmoment.sim, mweight.sim and mmean.sim can be used to reconstruct the G-spline in each MCMC iteration.

The file has columns labeled gamma1, gamma2, sigma1, sigma2, delta1, delta2, intercept1, intercept2, scale1, scale2. The meaning of the values in these columns is the following:

gamma1 = the middle knot γ1\gamma_1 in the first dimension. If ‘Specification’ is 2, this column usually contains zeros;

gamma2 = the middle knot γ2\gamma_2 in the second dimension. If ‘Specification’ is 2, this column usually contains zeros;

sigma1 = basis standard deviation σ1\sigma_1 of the G-spline in the first dimension. This column contains a~fixed value if ‘Specification’ is 2;

sigma2 = basis standard deviation σ2\sigma_2 of the G-spline in the second dimension. This column contains a~fixed value if ‘Specification’ is 2;

delta1 = distance delta1delta_1 between the two knots of the G-spline in the first dimension. This column contains a~fixed value if ‘Specification’ is 2;

delta2 = distance δ2\delta_2 between the two knots of the G-spline in the second dimension. This column contains a~fixed value if ‘Specification’ is 2;

intercept1 = the intercept term α1\alpha_1 of the G-spline in the first dimension. If ‘Specification’ is 1, this column usually contains zeros;

intercept2 = the intercept term α2\alpha_2 of the G-spline in the second dimension. If ‘Specification’ is 1, this column usually contains zeros;

scale1 = the scale parameter τ1\tau_1 of the G-spline in the first dimension. If ‘Specification’ is 1, this column usually contains ones;

scale2 = the scale parameter τ2\tau_2 of the G-spline in the second dimension. ‘Specification’ is 1, this column usually contains ones.


fully created only if store$a = TRUE. The file contains the transformed weights ak1,k2,a_{k_1,\,k_2}, k1=K1,,K1,k_1=-K_1,\dots,K_1, k2=K2,,K2k_2=-K_2,\dots,K_2 of all mixture components, i.e. also of components that had numerically zero probabilities.


fully created only if store$r = TRUE. The file contains the labels of the mixture components into which the observations are intrinsically assigned. Instead of double indeces (k1,k2)(k_1,\,k_2), values from 1 to (2K1+1)×(2K2+1)(2\,K_1+1)\times (2\,K_2+1) are stored here. Function vecr2matr can be used to transform it back to double indeces.


either one column labeled lambda or two columns labeled lambda1 and lambda2. These are the values of the smoothing parameter(s) λ\lambda (hyperparameters of the prior distribution of the transformed mixture weights ak1,k2a_{k_1,\,k_2}).


fully created only if store$y = TRUE. It contains sampled (augmented) log-event times for all observations in the data set.


columns labeled loglik, penalty or penalty1 and penalty2, logprw. The columns have the following meaning (the formulas apply for the bivariate case).

loglik == N{log(2π)+log(σ1)+log(σ2)}0.5i=1N{(σ12τ12)1  (yi,1α1τ1μ1,ri,1)2+(σ22τ22)1  (yi,2α2τ2μ2,ri,2)2}% -N\Bigl\{\log(2\pi) + \log(\sigma_1) + \log(\sigma_2)\Bigr\}- 0.5\sum_{i=1}^N\Bigl\{ (\sigma_1^2\,\tau_1^2)^{-1}\; (y_{i,1} - \alpha_1 - \tau_1\mu_{1,\,r_{i,1}})^2 + (\sigma_2^2\,\tau_2^2)^{-1}\; (y_{i,2} - \alpha_2 - \tau_2\mu_{2,\,r_{i,2}})^2 \Bigr\}

where yi,ly_{i,l} denotes (augmented) (i,l)th true log-event time. In other words, loglik is equal to the conditional log-density i=1Nlog{p((yi,1,yi,2)    ri,\mboxGspline)};\sum_{i=1}^N\,\log\Bigl\{p\bigl((y_{i,1},\,y_{i,2})\;\big|\;r_{i},\,\mbox{G-spline}\bigr)\Bigr\};

penalty1: If prior$neighbor.system = "uniCAR": the penalty term for the first dimension not multiplied by lambda1;

penalty2: If prior$neighbor.system = "uniCAR": the penalty term for the second dimension not multiplied by lambda2;

penalty: If prior$neighbor.system is different from "uniCAR": the penalty term not multiplied by lambda;

logprw == 2Nlog{k1k2ak1,k2}+k1k2Nk1,k2ak1,k2,-2\,N\,\log\bigl\{\sum_{k_1}\sum_{k_2}a_{k_1,\,k_2}\bigr\} + \sum_{k_1}\sum_{k_2}N_{k_1,\,k_2}\,a_{k_1,\,k_2}, where Nk1,k2N_{k_1,\,k_2} is the number of observations assigned intrinsincally to the (k1,k2)(k_1,\,k_2)th mixture component.

In other words, logprw is equal to the conditional log-density i=1Nlog{p(ri    \mboxGsplineweights)}.\sum_{i=1}^N \log\bigl\{p(r_i\;|\;\mbox{G-spline weights})\bigr\}.


Arnošt Komárek


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[Package bayesSurv version 3.7 Index]