reconc_BUIS {bayesRecon}R Documentation

BUIS for Probabilistic Reconciliation of forecasts via conditioning


Uses the Bottom-Up Importance Sampling algorithm to draw samples from the reconciled forecast distribution, obtained via conditioning.


  num_samples = 20000,
  suppress_warnings = FALSE,
  seed = NULL



Summing matrix (n x n_bottom).


A list containing the base_forecasts, see details.


A string or a list of length n. If it is a list the i-th element is a string with two possible values:

  • 'samples' if the i-th base forecasts are in the form of samples;

  • 'params' if the i-th base forecasts are in the form of estimated parameters.

If it in_type is a string it is assumed that all base forecasts are of the same type.


A string or a list of length n describing the type of base forecasts. If it is a list the i-th element is a string with two possible values:

  • 'continuous' or 'discrete' if in_type[[i]]='samples';

  • 'gaussian', 'poisson' or 'nbinom' if in_type[[i]]='params'.

If distr is a string it is assumed that all distributions are of the same type.


Number of samples drawn from the reconciled distribution. This is ignored if bottom_in_type='samples'; in this case, the number of reconciled samples is equal to the number of samples of the base forecasts.


Logical. If TRUE, no warnings about effective sample size are triggered. If FALSE, warnings are generated. Default is FALSE. See Details.


Seed for reproducibility.


The parameter base_forecast is a list containing n elements where the i-th element depends on the values of in_type[[i]] and distr[[i]].

If in_type[[i]]='samples', then base_forecast[[i]] is a vector containing samples from the base forecast distribution.

If in_type[[i]]='params', then base_forecast[[i]] is a list containing the estimated:

See the description of the parameters in_type and distr for more details.

The order of the base_forecast list is given by the order of the time series in the summing matrix.

Warnings are triggered from the Importance Sampling step if:

Note that warnings are an indication that the base forecasts might have issues. Please check the base forecasts in case of warnings.


A list containing the reconciled forecasts. The list has the following named elements:


Zambon, L., Azzimonti, D. & Corani, G. (2024). Efficient probabilistic reconciliation of forecasts for real-valued and count time series. Statistics and Computing 34 (1), 21. doi:10.1007/s11222-023-10343-y.

See Also




# Create a minimal hierarchy with 2 bottom and 1 upper variable
rec_mat <- get_reconc_matrices(agg_levels=c(1,2), h=2)
S <- rec_mat$S

#1) Gaussian base forecasts

#Set the parameters of the Gaussian base forecast distributions
mu1 <- 2
mu2 <- 4
muY <- 9
mus <- c(muY,mu1,mu2)

sigma1 <- 2
sigma2 <- 2
sigmaY <- 3
sigmas <- c(sigmaY,sigma1,sigma2)

base_forecasts = list()
for (i in 1:nrow(S)) {
base_forecasts[[i]] = list(mean = mus[[i]], sd = sigmas[[i]])

#Sample from the reconciled forecast distribution using the BUIS algorithm
buis <- reconc_BUIS(S, base_forecasts, in_type="params",
                 distr="gaussian", num_samples=100000, seed=42)

samples_buis <- buis$reconciled_samples

#In the Gaussian case, the reconciled distribution is still Gaussian and can be
#computed in closed form
Sigma <- diag(sigmas^2)  #transform into covariance matrix
analytic_rec <- reconc_gaussian(S, = mus,
                                base_forecasts.Sigma = Sigma)

#Compare the reconciled means obtained analytically and via BUIS
print(c(S %*% analytic_rec$bottom_reconciled_mean))

#2) Poisson base forecasts

#Set the parameters of the Poisson base forecast distributions
lambda1 <- 2
lambda2 <- 4
lambdaY <- 9
lambdas <- c(lambdaY,lambda1,lambda2)

base_forecasts <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(S)) {
 base_forecasts[[i]] = list(lambda = lambdas[i])

#Sample from the reconciled forecast distribution using the BUIS algorithm
buis <- reconc_BUIS(S, base_forecasts, in_type="params",
                          distr="poisson", num_samples=100000, seed=42)
samples_buis <- buis$reconciled_samples

#Print the reconciled means

[Package bayesRecon version 0.3.0 Index]