Probabilistic Population Projection

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Documentation for package ‘bayesPop’ version 10.0-1

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bayesPop-package Probabilistic Population Projection
age.specific.migration Generate Sex- and Age-specific Migration
bayesPop Probabilistic Population Projection
bayesPop.prediction Probabilistic Population Projection
bayesPop.pyramid Probabilistic Population Pyramid
cohorts Extracting and Plotting Cohort Data
extract.trajectories.eq Accessing Trajectories Accessing Trajectories
extract.trajectories.le Accessing Trajectories
get.bPop.pyramid Probabilistic Population Pyramid
get.bPop.pyramid.bayesPop.prediction Probabilistic Population Pyramid Probabilistic Population Pyramid
get.bPop.pyramid.list Probabilistic Population Pyramid
get.bPop.pyramid.matrix Probabilistic Population Pyramid
get.countries.table Accessing Country Information
get.countries.table.bayesPop.prediction Accessing Country Information
get.pop Accessing Trajectories
get.pop.aggregation Aggregation of Population Projections
get.pop.ex Accessing Trajectories
get.pop.exba Accessing Trajectories World Map of Population Measures
get.pop.prediction Accessing Prediction Object
get.trajectory.indices Accessing Trajectories
has.pop.prediction Accessing Prediction Object
LifeTableMx Life Table Functions
LifeTableMxCol Life Table Functions
mac.expression Expression Generator
mac.expression1 Expression Generator
mac.expression5 Expression Generator
migration.totals2age Generate Sex- and Age-specific Migration
MLTbx Dataset on Lee-Carter bx for Modeled Countries
plot.bayesPop.pyramid Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.aggregate Aggregation of Population Projections
pop.aggregate.subnat Aggregation of Population Projections
pop.byage.plot Output of Probabilistic Population Projection
pop.byage.plotAll Output of Probabilistic Population Projection
pop.byage.table Output of Probabilistic Population Projection
pop.cleanup.cache Accessing Prediction Object
pop.cohorts.plot Extracting and Plotting Cohort Data
pop.expressions Expressions as used in Population Output Functions
pop.ggmap World Map of Population Measures World Map of Population Measures World Map of Population Measures
pop.predict Probabilistic Population Projection
pop.predict.subnat Subnational Probabilistic Population Projection
pop.pyramid Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.pyramid.bayesPop.prediction Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.pyramid.bayesPop.pyramid Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.pyramidAll Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.trajectories Accessing Trajectories
pop.trajectories.plot Output of Probabilistic Population Projection
pop.trajectories.plotAll Output of Probabilistic Population Projection
pop.trajectories.pyramid Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.trajectories.pyramid.bayesPop.prediction Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.trajectories.pyramid.bayesPop.pyramid Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.trajectories.pyramidAll Probabilistic Population Pyramid
pop.trajectories.table Output of Probabilistic Population Projection
print.summary.bayesPop.prediction Summary of Probabilistic Population Projection
project.pasfr Projections of Percent Age-Specific Fertily Rate
project.pasfr.traj Projections of Percent Age-Specific Fertily Rate
rcastro.schedule Generate Sex- and Age-specific Migration
summary.bayesPop.prediction Summary of Probabilistic Population Projection
vwBaseYear Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
vwBaseYear2010 Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
vwBaseYear2012 Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
vwBaseYear2015 Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
vwBaseYear2017 Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
vwBaseYear2019 Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
vwBaseYear2022 Datasets on Migration Base Year and Type, and Mortality and Fertility Age Patterns
write.pop.projection.summary Writing Projection Summary and Trajectory Files
write.pop.trajectories Writing Projection Summary and Trajectory Files