Bayesian Inference for Presence-Only Data

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Documentation for package ‘bayesPO’ version 0.5.0

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$-method Gamma prior class for the LambdaStar parameter.
$-method Normal prior class for Beta and Delta parameters.
$-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
$-method Class for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO package
$-method Class that defines a model for the bayesPO package.
$-method Joint prior class for the bayesPO package parameters
$<--method Gamma prior class for the LambdaStar parameter.
$<--method Normal prior class for Beta and Delta parameters.
$<--method Class that defines a model for the bayesPO package.
$<--method Joint prior class for the bayesPO package parameters
*-method Class for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO package
+-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
+-method Class for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO package
as.array-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
as.array.bayesPO_fit Class for the result of the MCMC procedure. Class for the result of the MCMC procedure. Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
as.matrix-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
as.matrix.bayesPO_fit Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
barplot.covariates_importance Class for covariates importance matrices
bayesPO_fit-class Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
bayesPO_initial-class Class for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO package
bayesPO_model Build a model to be used in the 'bayesPO' fitting function
bayesPO_model-class Class that defines a model for the bayesPO package.
bayesPO_prior-class Joint prior class for the bayesPO package parameters
BetaDeltaPrior-class Generic class for the beta and delta parameters.
boxplot.covariates_importance Class for covariates importance matrices
c-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
covariates_importance-class Class for covariates importance matrices
fit_bayesPO Fit presence-only data using a Bayesian Poisson Process model
fit_bayesPO-method Fit presence-only data using a Bayesian Poisson Process model
GammaPrior Create a Gamma prior object for model specification.
GammaPrior-class Gamma prior class for the LambdaStar parameter.
initial Initial values constructor for bayesPO modeling
LambdaStarPrior-class Generic class for the LambdaStar parameters.
names-method Gamma prior class for the LambdaStar parameter.
names-method Normal prior class for Beta and Delta parameters.
names-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
names-method Class for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO package
names-method Class that defines a model for the bayesPO package.
names-method Joint prior class for the bayesPO package parameters
names.bayesPO_fit Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
NormalPrior Create a Normal prior object for model specification.
NormalPrior-class Normal prior class for Beta and Delta parameters.
plot.covariates_importance Class for covariates importance matrices
print-method Generic class for the beta and delta parameters.
print-method Gamma prior class for the LambdaStar parameter.
print-method Normal prior class for Beta and Delta parameters.
print-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
print-method Class for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO package
print-method Class that defines a model for the bayesPO package.
print-method Joint prior class for the bayesPO package parameters
print.bayesPO_fit Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
print.bayesPO_initial Class for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO package
print.bayesPO_model Class that defines a model for the bayesPO package.
print.bayesPO_prior Joint prior class for the bayesPO package parameters
print.BetaDeltaPrior Generic class for the beta and delta parameters.
print.covariates_importance Class for covariates importance matrices
print.GammaPrior Gamma prior class for the LambdaStar parameter.
print.NormalPrior Normal prior class for Beta and Delta parameters.
prior Build a joint prior for bayesPO model parameters
show-method Generic class for the beta and delta parameters.
show-method Gamma prior class for the LambdaStar parameter.
show-method Generic class for the LambdaStar parameters.
show-method Normal prior class for Beta and Delta parameters.
show-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
show-method Class for the initial values for the MCMC for the bayesPO package
show-method Class that defines a model for the bayesPO package.
show-method Joint prior class for the bayesPO package parameters
summary-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
summary.bayesPO_fit Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.
[[-method Class for the result of the MCMC procedure.