bayefdr-package |
The 'nibbles' package. |
bayefdr |
The 'nibbles' package. |
cumplot |
Plot the cumulative median, mean, and 95% high posterior density region. |
efdr |
EFDR and EFNR estimation |
efdr_search |
Bayesian EFDR optimisation. |
efnr |
EFDR and EFNR estimation |
head.bayefdr |
Print methods for bayefdr objects. |
optimal |
Retrieve the index of the optimal probability threshold. |
plot.bayefdr |
Plot the EFDR, EFNR grids of a bayefdr object. |
print.bayefdr |
Print methods for bayefdr objects. |
traceplot |
Trace, marginal density histogram, and autocorrelation plot of MCMC draws. |