Managing Packages Removal and Installation

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Documentation for package ‘batata’ version 0.2.1

Help Pages

display_most_starred Display the most starred R Github Repositories
display_starred Display User's Github Starred Repositories
fresh_start Remove all the installed R packages from a specified library
install_most_starred Install the most starred CRAN packages
install_starred_cran Install Github Starred CRAN Packages
install_starred_github Install Github Starred Packages from Github
latest_packages Displaying the latest installed R packages
rm_latest_packages Remove the n latest installed R packages
rm_since_packages removes installed packages according to a specific date
rm_today_packages Remove the packages installed in the current day
rm_yesterday_packages Remove the packages installed yesterday
since_packages Displays installed packages according to a specific date
today_packages Displays the packages installed in the current day
yesterday_packages Displays the packages installed yesterday