Construct Rich Tables for Output to 'HTML'/'Excel'

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Documentation for package ‘basictabler’ version 1.0.2

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BasicTable R6 class that defines a basic table.
basictabler Render a table as a HTML widget.
basictablerOutput Standard function for Shiny scaffolding.
basictablerSample Generate a sample basic table.
bhmsummary A Summary of Birmingham Trains, Dec 2016-Feb 2017.
checkArgument Perform basic checks on a function argument.
cleanCssValue Cleans up a CSS attribute value.
containsText Check whether a text value is present in another text value.
FlexTableRenderer R6 class that converts a table to a flextable from the 'flextabler' package.
FlexTableStyle R6 class that specifies styling as used by the 'flextable' package.
FlexTableStyles R6 class that defines a collection of styles as used by the 'flextable' package.
getBlankTblTheme Get an empty theme for applying no styling to a table.
getCompactTblTheme Get the compact theme for styling a table.
getDefaultTblTheme Get the default theme for styling a table.
getFtBorderFromCssBorder Convert CSS border values to those used by the flextable package.
getFtBorderStyleFromCssBorder Convert CSS border style values to those used by the flextable package.
getFtBorderWidthFromCssBorder Convert CSS border width to those used by the flextable package.
getLargePlainTblTheme Get the large plain theme for styling a table.
getNextPosition Find the first value in an array that is larger than the specified value.
getSimpleColoredTblTheme Get a simple coloured theme.
getTblTheme Get a built-in theme for styling a table.
getXlBorderFromCssBorder Convert CSS border style values to those used by the openxlsx package.
getXlBorderStyleFromCssBorder Convert CSS border values to those used by the openxlsx package.
isNumericValue Check whether a numeric value is present.
isTextValue Check whether a text value is present.
oneToNULL Convert a value of 1 to a NULL value.
parseColor Convert a CSS colour into a hex based colour code.
parseCssBorder Parse a CSS border value.
parseCssSizeToPt Convert a CSS size value into points.
parseCssSizeToPx Convert a CSS size value into pixels
parseCssString Split a CSS attribute value into a vector/array.
parseFtBorder Parse an ft-border value.
parseXlBorder Parse an xl-border value.
PxToPt Convert a number of pixels to points
qhtbl Quickly render a basic table in HTML.
qtbl Quickly build a basic table.
renderBasictabler Standard function for Shiny scaffolding.
TableCell R6 class that represents a cell in a table.
TableCellRanges R6 class that manages cell ranges (e.g. for merged cells).
TableCells R6 class that manages cells in a table.
TableHtmlRenderer R6 class that renders a table in HTML.
TableOpenXlsxRenderer R6 class that renders a table into an Excel worksheet.
TableOpenXlsxStyle R6 class that specifies Excel styling as used by the openxlsx package.
TableOpenXlsxStyles R6 class that defines a collection of Excel styles as used by the 'openxlsx' package.
TableStyle R6 class that specifies styling.
TableStyles R6 class that defines a collection of styles.
trainstations Train Stations
vreConvertSimpleNumericRange Convert a simple range expression to a standard R logical expression.
vreGetSingleValue Read the value from a single-valued value range expression.
vreHexToClr Convert a colour in hex format (#RRGGBB) into a list.
vreIsEqual Test if two numeric values are equal within tolerance.
vreIsMatch Test whether a value matches a value range expression.
vreIsSimpleNumericRange Determine if a value range expression is a simple range expression.
vreIsSingleValue Determine if a value range expression is a single value.
vreScale2Colours Scale a number from a range into a colour gradient.
vreScaleNumber Rescale a number from one range into another range.