BasicTable | R6 class that defines a basic table. |
basictabler | Render a table as a HTML widget. |
basictablerOutput | Standard function for Shiny scaffolding. |
basictablerSample | Generate a sample basic table. |
bhmsummary | A Summary of Birmingham Trains, Dec 2016-Feb 2017. |
checkArgument | Perform basic checks on a function argument. |
cleanCssValue | Cleans up a CSS attribute value. |
containsText | Check whether a text value is present in another text value. |
FlexTableRenderer | R6 class that converts a table to a flextable from the 'flextabler' package. |
FlexTableStyle | R6 class that specifies styling as used by the 'flextable' package. |
FlexTableStyles | R6 class that defines a collection of styles as used by the 'flextable' package. |
getBlankTblTheme | Get an empty theme for applying no styling to a table. |
getCompactTblTheme | Get the compact theme for styling a table. |
getDefaultTblTheme | Get the default theme for styling a table. |
getFtBorderFromCssBorder | Convert CSS border values to those used by the flextable package. |
getFtBorderStyleFromCssBorder | Convert CSS border style values to those used by the flextable package. |
getFtBorderWidthFromCssBorder | Convert CSS border width to those used by the flextable package. |
getLargePlainTblTheme | Get the large plain theme for styling a table. |
getNextPosition | Find the first value in an array that is larger than the specified value. |
getSimpleColoredTblTheme | Get a simple coloured theme. |
getTblTheme | Get a built-in theme for styling a table. |
getXlBorderFromCssBorder | Convert CSS border style values to those used by the openxlsx package. |
getXlBorderStyleFromCssBorder | Convert CSS border values to those used by the openxlsx package. |
isNumericValue | Check whether a numeric value is present. |
isTextValue | Check whether a text value is present. |
oneToNULL | Convert a value of 1 to a NULL value. |
parseColor | Convert a CSS colour into a hex based colour code. |
parseCssBorder | Parse a CSS border value. |
parseCssSizeToPt | Convert a CSS size value into points. |
parseCssSizeToPx | Convert a CSS size value into pixels |
parseCssString | Split a CSS attribute value into a vector/array. |
parseFtBorder | Parse an ft-border value. |
parseXlBorder | Parse an xl-border value. |
PxToPt | Convert a number of pixels to points |
qhtbl | Quickly render a basic table in HTML. |
qtbl | Quickly build a basic table. |
renderBasictabler | Standard function for Shiny scaffolding. |
TableCell | R6 class that represents a cell in a table. |
TableCellRanges | R6 class that manages cell ranges (e.g. for merged cells). |
TableCells | R6 class that manages cells in a table. |
TableHtmlRenderer | R6 class that renders a table in HTML. |
TableOpenXlsxRenderer | R6 class that renders a table into an Excel worksheet. |
TableOpenXlsxStyle | R6 class that specifies Excel styling as used by the openxlsx package. |
TableOpenXlsxStyles | R6 class that defines a collection of Excel styles as used by the 'openxlsx' package. |
TableStyle | R6 class that specifies styling. |
TableStyles | R6 class that defines a collection of styles. |
trainstations | Train Stations |
vreConvertSimpleNumericRange | Convert a simple range expression to a standard R logical expression. |
vreGetSingleValue | Read the value from a single-valued value range expression. |
vreHexToClr | Convert a colour in hex format (#RRGGBB) into a list. |
vreIsEqual | Test if two numeric values are equal within tolerance. |
vreIsMatch | Test whether a value matches a value range expression. |
vreIsSimpleNumericRange | Determine if a value range expression is a simple range expression. |
vreIsSingleValue | Determine if a value range expression is a single value. |
vreScale2Colours | Scale a number from a range into a colour gradient. |
vreScaleNumber | Rescale a number from one range into another range. |