predict.basis {basefun}R Documentation

Evaluate Basis Functions


Evaluate basis functions and compute the function defined by the corresponding basis


## S3 method for class 'basis'
predict(object, newdata, coef, dim = !, ...)
## S3 method for class 'cbind_bases'
predict(object, newdata, coef, dim = !, 
         terms = names(object), ...)
## S3 method for class 'box_bases'
predict(object, newdata, coef, dim = !, ...)



a basis or bases object


a list or data.frame


a vector of coefficients


either a logical indicating that the dimensions shall be obtained from the bases object or an integer vector with the corresponding dimensions (the latter option being very experimental


a character vector defining the elements of a cbind_bases object to be evaluated


additional arguments


predict evaluates the basis functions and multiplies them with coef. There is no need to expand multiple variables as predict uses array models (Currie et al, 2006) to compute the corresponding predictions efficiently.


Ian D. Currie, Maria Durban, Paul H. C. Eilers, P. H. C. (2006), Generalized Linear Array Models with Applications to Multidimensional Smoothing, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B: Methodology, 68(2), 259–280.


  ### set-up a Bernstein polynomial
  xv <- numeric_var("x", support = c(1, pi))
  bb <- Bernstein_basis(xv, order = 3, ui = "increasing")
  ## and treatment contrasts for a factor at three levels
  fb <- as.basis(~ g, data = factor_var("g", levels = LETTERS[1:3]))

  ### join them: we get one intercept and two deviation _functions_
  bfb <- b(bern = bb, f = fb)

  ### generate data + coefficients
  x <- mkgrid(bfb, n = 10)
  cf <- c(1, 2, 2.5, 2.6)
  cf <- c(cf, cf + 1, cf + 2)

  ### evaluate predictions for all combinations in x (a list!)
  predict(bfb, newdata = x, coef = cf)

  ## same but slower
  matrix(predict(bfb, newdata = expand.grid(x), coef = cf), ncol = 3)

[Package basefun version 1.1-4 Index]