'Base Dos Dados' R Client

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Documentation for package ‘basedosdados’ version 0.2.2

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BaseDosDadosConnection-class Base dos dados specific connection to BigQuery
bdplyr Compatibility with dplyr verbs without using SQL language
bd_collect Collects the results of a remote table called via 'bdplyr()'
bd_write Writes the result of operations with 'bdplyr()' to disk
bd_write_csv Writes the result of operations with 'bdplyr()' to disk
bd_write_rds Writes the result of operations with 'bdplyr()' to disk
dataset_search Search for a dataset by keyword
dbplyr_edition.BaseDosDadosConnection Base dos dados specific connection to BigQuery
download Write the results of a query locally to a comma-separated file.
get_billing_id Internal functions for project billing management
get_dataset_description Describe a dataset
get_table_columns Get columns in a table
get_table_description Describe a table within a dataset
list_dataset_tables List tables in a dataset
partition_table Slice a big data frame into smaller csv files by grouping variables Still in development
read_sql Query our datalake and get results in a tibble
set_billing_id Define your Project Id