fg_batter_leaders {baseballr}R Documentation

Scrape Batter Leaderboards from FanGraphs


This function allows you to scrape all leaderboard statistics (basic and advanced) from FanGraphs.com.


  age = "",
  pos = "all",
  stats = "bat",
  lg = "all",
  qual = "0",
  startseason = "2023",
  endseason = "2023",
  startdate = "",
  enddate = "",
  month = "0",
  hand = "",
  team = "0",
  pageitems = "10000",
  pagenum = "1",
  ind = "0",
  rost = "0",
  players = "",
  type = "8",
  postseason = "",
  sortdir = "default",
  sortstat = "WAR"



(integer) Age of players


(character) Position of players, defaults to "all". To exclude pitchers, use "np".


(character) Statistic to return. Defaults to "bat".


(character) League to return. Defaults to "all". Options are "al", "nl", or "all".


(character) Whether you want only batters/pitchers that qualified in a given season, or the minimum number of plate appearances for inclusion. If you only want qualified hitters, use qual. If a minimum number of plate appearaces/innings pitched, use the number desired. Defaults to "y".


(character) Season for which you want to scrape the data.


(character) Last season for which you want data.


(character) Start date for which you want data.


(character) End date for which you want data.


(character) Month for which you want data.


(character) Handedness of batter. Options are "L", "R", or "B". Empty string returns all.


(character) Teams for which you want data, comma separated.


(character) Number of items per page.


(character) Page number.


(character) Whether or not to break the seasons out individual, or roll them up together. 1 = split seasons, 0 = aggregate seasons.


(character) Whether or not to include players on the roster. 1 = include, 0 = exclude.


(character) Whether or not to include players on the roster. 1 = include only active roster players, 0 = exclude.


(character) Defaults to 8, which is the standard leaderboard. The values for the leaderboards appear to go to from type = 0 to 48+, which correspond to links on the leaderboard page.


(logical) Whether or not to include postseason data. TRUE = include postseason, FALSE = exclude postseason.


(character) Sort direction. Options are "asc" or "desc" or "default".


(character) Sort by stat. Default is "WAR".


A data frame of batter data.

col_name types
Season integer
team_name character
Bats character
xMLBAMID integer
PlayerNameRoute character
PlayerName character
playerid integer
Age integer
AgeRng character
SeasonMin integer
SeasonMax integer
G integer
AB integer
PA integer
H integer
1B integer
2B integer
3B integer
HR integer
R integer
RBI integer
BB integer
IBB integer
SO integer
HBP integer
SF integer
SH integer
GDP integer
SB integer
CS integer
AVG numeric
GB integer
FB integer
LD integer
IFFB integer
Pitches integer
Balls integer
Strikes integer
IFH integer
BU integer
BUH integer
BB_pct numeric
K_pct numeric
BB_K numeric
OBP numeric
SLG numeric
OPS numeric
ISO numeric
BABIP numeric
GB_FB numeric
LD_pct numeric
GB_pct numeric
FB_pct numeric
IFFB_pct numeric
HR_FB numeric
IFH_pct numeric
BUH_pct numeric
TTO_pct numeric
wOBA numeric
wRAA numeric
wRC numeric
Batting numeric
Fielding numeric
Replacement numeric
Positional numeric
wLeague numeric
Defense numeric
Offense numeric
RAR numeric
WAR numeric
WAROld numeric
Dollars numeric
BaseRunning numeric
Spd numeric
wRC_plus numeric
wBsR numeric
WPA numeric
WPA_minus numeric
WPA_plus numeric
RE24 numeric
REW numeric
pLI numeric
PH integer
WPA_LI numeric
Clutch numeric
FBall_pct numeric
FBv numeric
SL_pct numeric
SLv numeric
CT_pct numeric
CTv numeric
CB_pct numeric
CBv numeric
CH_pct numeric
CHv numeric
SF_pct numeric
SFv numeric
XX_pct numeric
wFB numeric
wSL numeric
wCT numeric
wCB numeric
wCH numeric
wSF numeric
wFB_C numeric
wSL_C numeric
wCT_C numeric
wCB_C numeric
wCH_C numeric
wSF_C numeric
O-Swing_pct numeric
Z-Swing_pct numeric
Swing_pct numeric
O-Contact_pct numeric
Z-Contact_pct numeric
Contact_pct numeric
Zone_pct numeric
F-Strike_pct numeric
SwStr_pct numeric
CStr_pct numeric
C+SwStr_pct numeric
Pull integer
Cent integer
Oppo integer
Soft integer
Med integer
Hard integer
bipCount integer
Pull_pct numeric
Cent_pct numeric
Oppo_pct numeric
Soft_pct numeric
Med_pct numeric
Hard_pct numeric
UBR numeric
GDPRuns numeric
AVG+ numeric
BB_pct+ numeric
K_pct+ numeric
OBP+ numeric
SLG+ numeric
ISO+ numeric
BABIP+ numeric
LD_pct+ numeric
GB_pct+ numeric
FB_pct+ numeric
HRFB_pct+ numeric
Pull_pct+ numeric
Cent_pct+ numeric
Oppo_pct+ numeric
Soft_pct+ numeric
Med_pct+ numeric
Hard_pct+ numeric
xwOBA numeric
xAVG numeric
xSLG numeric
PPTV integer
CPTV integer
BPTV integer
DSV integer
DGV integer
BTV integer
rPPTV numeric
rBPTV numeric
EBV integer
ESV integer
rFTeamV numeric
rBTeamV numeric
rTV numeric
pfx_FA_pct numeric
pfx_FC_pct numeric
pfx_FS_pct numeric
pfx_FO_pct numeric
pfx_SI_pct numeric
pfx_SL_pct numeric
pfx_CU_pct numeric
pfx_KC_pct numeric
pfx_EP_pct numeric
pfx_CH_pct numeric
pfx_SC_pct numeric
pfx_vFA numeric
pfx_vFC numeric
pfx_vFS numeric
pfx_vFO numeric
pfx_vSI numeric
pfx_vSL numeric
pfx_vCU numeric
pfx_vKC numeric
pfx_vEP numeric
pfx_vCH numeric
pfx_vSC numeric
pfx_FA-X numeric
pfx_FC-X numeric
pfx_FS-X numeric
pfx_FO-X numeric
pfx_SI-X numeric
pfx_SL-X numeric
pfx_CU-X numeric
pfx_KC-X numeric
pfx_EP-X numeric
pfx_CH-X numeric
pfx_SC-X numeric
pfx_FA-Z numeric
pfx_FC-Z numeric
pfx_FS-Z numeric
pfx_FO-Z numeric
pfx_SI-Z numeric
pfx_SL-Z numeric
pfx_CU-Z numeric
pfx_KC-Z numeric
pfx_EP-Z numeric
pfx_CH-Z numeric
pfx_SC-Z numeric
pfx_wFA numeric
pfx_wFC numeric
pfx_wFS numeric
pfx_wFO numeric
pfx_wSI numeric
pfx_wSL numeric
pfx_wCU numeric
pfx_wKC numeric
pfx_wEP numeric
pfx_wCH numeric
pfx_wSC numeric
pfx_wFA_C numeric
pfx_wFC_C numeric
pfx_wFS_C numeric
pfx_wFO_C numeric
pfx_wSI_C numeric
pfx_wSL_C numeric
pfx_wCU_C numeric
pfx_wKC_C numeric
pfx_wEP_C numeric
pfx_wCH_C numeric
pfx_wSC_C numeric
pfx_O-Swing_pct numeric
pfx_Z-Swing_pct numeric
pfx_Swing_pct numeric
pfx_O-Contact_pct numeric
pfx_Z-Contact_pct numeric
pfx_Contact_pct numeric
pfx_Zone_pct numeric
pfx_Pace numeric
pi_CH_pct numeric
pi_CU_pct numeric
pi_FA_pct numeric
pi_FC_pct numeric
pi_FS_pct numeric
pi_SB_pct numeric
pi_SI_pct numeric
pi_SL_pct numeric
pi_vCH numeric
pi_vCU numeric
pi_vFA numeric
pi_vFC numeric
pi_vFS numeric
pi_vSB numeric
pi_vSI numeric
pi_vSL numeric
pi_CH-X numeric
pi_CU-X numeric
pi_FA-X numeric
pi_FC-X numeric
pi_FS-X numeric
pi_SB-X numeric
pi_SI-X numeric
pi_SL-X numeric
pi_CH-Z numeric
pi_CU-Z numeric
pi_FA-Z numeric
pi_FC-Z numeric
pi_FS-Z numeric
pi_SB-Z numeric
pi_SI-Z numeric
pi_SL-Z numeric
pi_wCH numeric
pi_wCU numeric
pi_wFA numeric
pi_wFC numeric
pi_wFS numeric
pi_wSB numeric
pi_wSI numeric
pi_wSL numeric
pi_wCH_C numeric
pi_wCU_C numeric
pi_wFA_C numeric
pi_wFC_C numeric
pi_wFS_C numeric
pi_wSB_C numeric
pi_wSI_C numeric
pi_wSL_C numeric
pi_O-Swing_pct numeric
pi_Z-Swing_pct numeric
pi_Swing_pct numeric
pi_O-Contact_pct numeric
pi_Z-Contact_pct numeric
pi_Contact_pct numeric
pi_Zone_pct numeric
pi_Pace numeric
Events integer
EV numeric
LA numeric
Barrels integer
Barrel_pct numeric
maxEV numeric
HardHit integer
HardHit_pct numeric
Q numeric
TG integer
TPA integer
team_name_abb character
teamid integer
Pos numeric
phLI numeric
pi_XX_pct numeric
pi_vXX numeric
pi_XX-X numeric
pi_XX-Z numeric
pi_wXX numeric
pi_wXX_C numeric
rBTV numeric
pi_CS_pct numeric
pi_vCS numeric
pi_CS-X numeric
pi_CS-Z numeric
pi_wCS numeric
pi_wCS_C numeric
KN_pct numeric
KNv numeric
wKN numeric
wKN_C numeric
pfx_KN_pct numeric
pfx_vKN numeric
pfx_KN-X numeric
pfx_KN-Z numeric
pfx_wKN numeric
pfx_wKN_C numeric
pi_KN_pct numeric
pi_vKN numeric
pi_KN-X numeric
pi_KN-Z numeric
pi_wKN numeric
pi_wKN_C numeric
rCPTV numeric
CFraming numeric
rDGV numeric
rDSV numeric


  try(fg_batter_leaders(startseason = 2023, endseason = 2023))

[Package baseballr version 1.6.0 Index]