acceptRate | acceptRate |
bartClassifDiag | bartClassifDiag |
bartDiag | bartDiag |
bartRegrDiag | bartRegrDiag |
bivariate_range | Constructor for bivariate range object |
bivariate_scale | Constructor for bivariate scale object |
clusterTrees | Cluster Trees by Variable |
combineDummy | Update Dummy Variable Names |
extractTreeData | extractTreeData |
getChildren | Generate Child and Parent Node Relationships |
getObservations | Get Observations Falling into Each Node |
get_stump_colour_for_legend | Determines the stump color for a legend based on its mean value |
guide_colorfan | Colourfan guide |
guide_colourfan | Colourfan guide |
input_data | input_data |
localProcedure | localProcedure |
mdsBart | mdsBart |
node_depth | Calculate Node Depths in a Tree Data Frame |
pal_vsup | Variance suppressing uncertainty palette |
permVimp | permVimp |
permVint | permVint |
plotProximity | plotProximity |
plotSingleTree | plotSingleTree |
plotTrees | Plot Trees with Customisations |
print.hideHelper1 | print.hideHelper |
proximityMatrix | proximityMatrix |
RangeBivariate | Constructor for bivariate range object |
ScaleBivariate | Constructor for bivariate scale object |
sort_trees_by_depthMax | Sort Trees by Maximum Depth |
splitDensity | splitDensity |
terminalFunction | Generate Terminal Node Indicator |
train_bivariate | Train range for bivariate scale |
treeBarPlot | Plot Frequency of Tree Structures |
treeDepth | treeDepth |
treeList | Generate a List of Tree Structures from BART Model Output |
treeNodes | treeNodes |
tree_dataframe | Transform tree data into a structured dataframe |
tree_data_example | tree_data_example |
vimpBart | vimpBart |
vimpPlot | vimpPlot |
vintPlot | vintPlot |
viviBart | viviBart |
viviBartMatrix | viviBartMatrix |
viviBartPlot | viviBartPlot |