Light-Weight 'python'-Like Object-Oriented System

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Documentation for package ‘bandicoot’ version 1.0.0

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%+% Addition operator
%+%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of addition operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%+=% In-place addition operator
%+=%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of in-place addition operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%-% Subtraction operator
%-%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of subtraction operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%-=% In-place subtraction operator
%-=%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of in-place subtraction operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%contains% Membership test operator
%contains%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of performing membership test operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%eq% The equals to operator
%eq%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of performing the equals to operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%ge% The greater or equals to operator
%ge%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of performing the greater or equals operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%gt% The greater than operator
%gt%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of performing the greater than operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%le% The less or equals to operator
%le%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of performing the less or equals operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%lt% The less than operator
%lt%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of performing the less than operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
%ne% The not equals to operator
%ne%.bandicoot_oop S3 method of performing the not equals to operator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
as_bandicoot_oop Turn an environment into a 'bandicoot_oop' object
BASE BASE class environment
BASE$..bases.. Direct parent classes
BASE$..class.. Class name and parent class names
BASE$..class_tree.. Class name and parent class names represented in a tree
BASE$..dir.. All names in the class or instance environment
BASE$..init.. Initialization method
BASE$..instantiated.. Instantiate status
BASE$..len.. Length of the class or the instance
BASE$..methods.. List all methods of a class or an instance
BASE$..method_env.. The container
BASE$..mro.. Method resolution order
BASE$ Build a new instance from a class or an instance
BASE$..repr.. "Official" String representation of the object
BASE$..str.. String representation of the object
BASE$..type.. Class name
BASE$del_attr Delete an attribute
BASE$get_attr Get value of an attribute or a method
BASE$has_attr Whether or not an attribute or method exists
BASE$instantiate Instantiate method
BASE$set_attr Set value of an attribute or a method
base_ BASE class environment
bind_fn_2_env Bind functions of the current environment to a target environment
check_method Check each method body in an object if it contains names that do not explicitly bind to a specified namespace via '::'.
copy_attr Copy attributes and methods from classes or instances
define_pkg_fn Load functions from package namespaces into current environment
is_bandicoot_oop Check whether the object is a 'bandicoot_oop' object
iter Build an iterator
iter.bandicoot_oop S3 method of building an iterator of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
len Compute the length of the object
len.bandicoot_oop S3 method of computing the length of 'bandicoot_oop' object
new_class Define a new class
print.bandicoot_oop S3 method of printing 'bandicoot_oop' object
register_method Register method for an object environment
repr The "official" string representation of an object.
repr.bandicoot_oop S3 method of computing the "official" string representation of a 'bandicoot_oop' object
sub_fn_body_name Substitute a symbol in a function body
super Get the parent class (the next class based on the method resolution order)
use_method Use a method in an object environment