sesamesim {bain}R Documentation

Simulated Sesame Street Data


This is a simulated counterpart of part of the Sesame Street data presented by Stevens (1996, Appendix A) concerning the effect of the first year of the Sesame street series on the knowledge of 240 children in the age range 34 to 69 months. We will use the following variables: sex; site of child's origin; setting in which Sesame Street is watched; age; whether or not the child is encouraged to watch; Peabody metal age score; score on numbers test before, after and in a follow up measurement; and scores on knowledge of body parts, letters, forms, numbers, relations, and classifications, both before and after watching Sesame Street for a year.




A data frame with 240 rows and 21 variables.


sex integer Sex of the child; 1 = boy, 2 = girl
site integer Site of the child's origin; 1 = disadvantaged inner city, 2 = advantaged suburban , 3 = advantaged rural, 4 = disadvantaged rural, 5 = disadvantaged Spanish speaking
setting integer Setting in which the child watches Sesame Street; 1 = at home, 2 = at school
age integer Age of the child in months
viewenc integer Whether or not the child is encouraged to watch Sesame Street; 0 = no, 1 = yes
peabody integer Peabody mental age score of the child; the higher the score the higher the mental age
prenumb integer score on a numbers test before watching Sesame Street for a year
postnumb integer score on a numbers test after watching Sesame Street for a year
funumb integer follow up numbers test score measured one year after postnumb
Bb integer Knowledge of body parts before
Bl integer Knowledge of letters before
Bf integer Knowledge of forms before
Bn integer Knowledge of numbers before
Br integer Knowledge of relations before
Bc integer Knowledge of classifications before
Ab integer Knowledge of body parts after
Al integer Knowledge of letters after
Af integer Knowledge of forms after
An integer Knowledge of numbers after
Ar integer Knowledge of relations after
Ac integer Knowledge of classifications after


Stevens, J. (1996). Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

[Package bain version 0.2.11 Index]