custom_create_PDF {baRcodeR}R Documentation

Make barcodes and print labels


Input a vector or data frame of ID codes to produce a PDF of barcode labels that can then be printed. The PDF setup is for the ULINE 1.75" * 0.5" WEATHER RESISTANT LABEL for laser printer; item # S-19297 ( See details for how to format text labels properly.


  user = FALSE,
  Labels = NULL,
  name = "LabelsOut",
  type = "matrix",
  ErrCorr = "H",
  Fsz = 12,
  Across = TRUE,
  ERows = 0,
  ECols = 0,
  trunc = TRUE,
  numrow = 20,
  numcol = 4,
  page_width = 8.5,
  page_height = 11,
  width_margin = 0.25,
  height_margin = 0.5,
  label_width = NA,
  label_height = NA,
  x_space = 0,
  y_space = 0.5,
  alt_text = NULL,
  replace_label = FALSE,
  denote = c("\n(", ")")

qrcode_make(Labels, ErrCorr)





logical. Run function using interactive mode (prompts user for parameter values) Default is FALSE


vector or data frame object containing label names (i.e. unique ID codes) with either UTF-8 or ASCII encoding.


character. Name of the PDF output file. Default is "LabelsOut". A file named name.pdf will be saved to the working directory by default. Use "dirname/name" to produce a file called name.pdf in the dirname directory.


character. Choice of "linear" for code 128, or "linear2" for extended code 128, or "matrix" for QR code (i.e. 2D barcode) labels. Default is "matrix".


error correction value for matrix labels only. Level of damage from low to high: "L", "M", "Q", "H". Default is "H". See details for explanation of values.


numerical. Sets font size in points. Longer ID codes may be shrunk to fit if truncation is not used for matrix labels. Default font size is 5. ID codes are also shrunk automatically to fit on the label if actual size is bigger than label dimensions.


logical. When TRUE, print labels across rows, left to right. When FALSE, print labels down columns, top to bottom. Default is TRUE.


number of rows to skip. Default is 0. Example: setting ERows to 6 will begin printing at row 7. ERows and ECols are useful for printing on partially-used label sheets.


number of columns to skip. Default is 0. Example: setting ECols to 2 will put the first label at column 3. ERows and ECols are useful for printing on partially-used label sheets.


logical. Text is broken into multiple lines for longer ID codes, to prevent printing off of the label area. Default is TRUE. If trunc = FALSE, and text is larger than the physical label, the text will be shrunk down automatically.


numerical. Number of rows per page. Default is 20.


numerical. Number of columns per page. Default is 4.


numerical. Width of page (in inches). Default is set to 8.5.


numerical. Height of page (in inches). Default is set to 11.


numerical. The width margin of the page (in inches). Default is 0.25.


numerical. The height margin of the page (in inches). Default is 0.5.


numerical. The width of label (in inches). Will be calculated as (page_width - 2 * width_margin)/numcol if label_width is set as NULL.


numerical. The height of the label (in inches). Will be calculated as (page_height - 2 * height_margin)/numrow if label_height is set as NULL.


numerical. A value between 0 and 1. This sets the distance between the QR code and text of each label. Only applies when type = "matrix". Default is 0.


numerical. The height position of the text on the physical label as a proportion of the label height. Only applies when type = "matrix". A value between 0 and 1. Default is 0.5.


vector containing alternative names that are printed along with Labels BUT ARE NOT ENCODED in the barcode image. Use with caution!


logical. Replace label text with alt_text. Generated barcode will contain more information than text label. Use with caution!


character (prefix) or vector of length 2 (prefix, suffix). Denotes alt_text that is not encoded in the barcode image. Default is brackets before and after ().


qrcode_make is the helper function for generating a QR code matrix. code_128_make is the helper function for generating a linear barcode according to code 128 set B. code_128_make2 is the extended helper function for generating a linear barcode according to code 128 set B, all Latin-1 characters, set C and partially A. custom_create_PDF is the main function which sets page layout, and creates the PDF file.

Correction levels for QR codes refer to the level of damage a label can tolerate before the label become unreadable by a scanner (L = Low (7%), M = Medium (15%), Q = Quantile (25%), H = High (30%)). So a label with L correction can lose up to at most 7 while a H label can lose up to 30 can be printed at smaller sizes compared to H codes.

The escape characters \n and \s (and the hex equivalents \x0A and \x20 can be used to format text labels. Tab character \t (\x09) does not work for QR codes and should be replaced by a number of space characters. See the package vignette for examples.

If ECol or ERow is greater than numcol and numrow, the labels will be printed starting on the second page.


a PDF file containing QR-coded labels, saved to the default directory.

See Also



## this is the same examples used with create_PDF
## data frame
example_vector <-"ao1", "a02", "a03"))

## Not run: 
## run with default options
## pdf file will be "example.pdf" saved into a temp directory
temp_file <- tempfile()

custom_create_PDF(Labels = example_vector, name = temp_file)

## view example output from temp folder
system2("open", paste0(temp_file, ".pdf"))

## End(Not run)

## run interactively. Overrides default pdf options
    custom_create_PDF(user = TRUE, Labels = example_vector)

## Not run: 
## run using a data frame, automatically choosing the "label" column
example_df <- data.frame("level1" = c("a1", "a2"), "label" = c("a1-b1",
 "a1-b2"), "level2" = c("b1", "b1"))

custom_create_PDF(user = FALSE, Labels = example_df, name = file.path(tempdir(), 
## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
## run using an unnamed data frame
example_df <- data.frame(c("a1", "a2"), c("a1-b1", "a1-b2"), c("b1", "b1"))
## specify column from data frame
custom_create_PDF(user = FALSE, Labels = example_df[,2], name = file.path(tempdir(), "example_3"))

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
## create linear (code128) label rather than matrix (2D/QR) labels
example_df <- data.frame(c("a1", "a2"), c("a1-b1", "a1-b2"), c("b1", "b1"))
## specify column from data frame
custom_create_PDF(user = FALSE, Labels = example_df, name = file.path(tempdir(),
"example_4", type = "linear"))

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
## Include text for the user that is NOT encoded into the barcode image
## Excluded text is denoted with brackets by default
example_df <- data.frame(ID = floor(runif(3) * 10000), name = c("A", "B", "C"),
 dob = c("1/1/2020", "12/6/2001", "2/8/1986"))
## linear (1d) barcodes with custom denote parameter
custom_create_PDF(Labels = example_df$ID, alt_text = paste(example_df$name,
 example_df$dob), type = "linear", denote=".")

## End(Not run)  

[Package baRcodeR version 0.1.7 Index]