set {bReeze}R Documentation

Creation of datasets


Creates a dataset object, by combining all signals of one height of measurement.


set(height, desc, v.avg, v.max, v.min, v.std, 
  dir.avg, dir.std, tmp, ...)



Height of measurement in m as numeric value.


Plain text information about the set, signals, instruments, etc. as string (optional).


Average of wind speed within interval in m/s as numeric vector (optional, if at least one other signal is given).


Maximum of wind speed within interval in m/s as numeric vector (optional, if at least one other signal is given).


Minimum of wind speed within interval in m/s as numeric vector (optional, if at least one other signal is given).


Standard deviation of wind speed within interval in m/s as numeric vector (optional, if at least one other signal is given).


Average of wind direction within interval in degrees from north as numeric vector (optional, if at least one other signal is given).


Standard deviation of wind direction within interval in degrees from north as numeric vector (optional, if at least one other signal is given).


Temperature in °C as numeric vector (optional, if at least one other signal is given).


Further signals, e.g. air pressure, humidity, etc. as numeric vector (optional).


Anemometer and wind vanes are usually mounted as pairs at same or similar heights of the met mast. Signals with marginal differences in height, about 1 or 2 m, may or may not be combined to one dataset. In case of a combination of two heights the height of the anemometer should be used for the whole dataset, as in subsequent analyses wind speed might be extrapolated to other heights. A dataset shall not contain data from more than one sensor of the same type, say data of two anemometers.

A typical interval of wind measurments is 10 minutes, but also other intervals are applicable.

For datasets containing mean wind speed v.avg and its standard deviation within the time interval v.std, the turbulence intensity is calculated and added to the data, named See turbulence for more details about turbulence intensity.


Returns a dataset object which is a list of:


Height of measurement.


Data of measured signals.


Christian Graul

See Also



## Not run: 
# load data
data("winddata", package="bReeze")

# minimal dataset
s <- set(height=40, v.avg=winddata[,2])

# detailed dataset
s2 <- set(height=40, desc=
  "C1: cup anemometer (SN: 4.3250.128), A1: wind vane (SN: 4.2800.205)", 
  v.avg=winddata[,2], v.max=winddata[,3], v.min=winddata[,4], 
  v.std=winddata[,5], dir.avg=winddata[,14], dir.std=winddata[,15])

## End(Not run)

[Package bReeze version 0.4-4 Index]