aws.irreg {aws} | R Documentation |
local constant AWS for irregular (1D/2D) design
The function implements the propagation separation approach to nonparametric smoothing (formerly introduced as Adaptive weights smoothing) for varying coefficient Gaussian models on a 1D or 2D irregulat design. The function allows for a paramertic (polynomial) mean-variance dependence.
aws.irreg(y, x, hmax = NULL, aws=TRUE, memory=FALSE, varmodel = "Constant",
lkern = "Triangle", aggkern = "Uniform", sigma2 = NULL, nbins = 100,
hpre = NULL, henv = NULL, ladjust =1, varprop = 0.1, graph = FALSE)
y |
The observed response vector (length n) |
x |
Design matrix, dimension n x d, |
hmax |
aws |
logical: if TRUE structural adaptation (AWS) is used. |
memory |
logical: if TRUE stagewise aggregation is used as an additional adaptation scheme. |
varmodel |
determines the model that relates variance to mean. Either "Constant", "Linear" or "Quadratic". |
lkern |
character: location kernel, either "Triangle", "Plateau", "Quadratic", "Cubic" or "Gaussian" |
aggkern |
character: kernel used in stagewise aggregation, either "Triangle" or "Uniform" |
sigma2 |
nbins |
numer of bins, can be NULL, a positive integer or a vector of positive integers (length d) |
hpre |
smoothing bandwidth for initial variance estimate |
henv |
radius of balls around each observed design point where estimates will be calculated |
ladjust |
factor to increase the default value of lambda |
varprop |
exclude the largest 100*varprop% squared residuals when estimating the error variance |
graph |
If |
Data are first binned (1D/2D), then aws is performed on all datapoints within distance <= henv of nonempty bins.
returns anobject of class aws
with slots
y = "numeric" |
y |
dy = "numeric" |
dim(y) |
x = "numeric" |
x |
ni = "integer" |
number of observations per bin |
mask = "logical" |
bins where parameters have been estimated |
theta = "numeric" |
Estimates of regression function, |
mae = "numeric" |
numeric(0) |
var = "numeric" |
approx. variance of the estimates of the regression function. Please note that this does not reflect variability due to randomness of weights. |
xmin = "numeric" |
vector of minimal x-values (bins) |
xmax = "numeric" |
vector of maximal x-values (bins) |
wghts = "numeric" |
relative binwidths |
degree = "integer" |
0 |
hmax = "numeric" |
effective hmax |
sigma2 = "numeric" |
provided or estimated error variance |
scorr = "numeric" |
0 |
family = "character" |
"Gaussian" |
shape = "numeric" |
numeric(0) |
lkern = "integer" |
integer code for lkern, 1="Plateau", 2="Triangle", 3="Quadratic", 4="Cubic", 5="Gaussian" |
lambda = "numeric" |
effective value of lambda |
ladjust = "numeric" |
effective value of ladjust |
aws = "logical" |
aws |
memory = "logical" |
memory |
homogen = "logical" |
earlystop = "logical" |
varmodel = "character" |
varmodel |
vcoef = "numeric" |
estimated coefficients in variance model |
call = "function" |
the arguments of the call to |
Joerg Polzehl,
J. Polzehl, V. Spokoiny, in V. Chen, C.; Haerdle, W. and Unwin, A. (ed.) Handbook of Data Visualization Structural adaptive smoothing by propagation-separation methods. Springer-Verlag, 2008, 471-492. DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-33037-0_19.
See Also
See also lpaws
, link{awsdata}
, lpaws
# 1D local constant smoothing
## Not run: demo(irreg_ex1)
# 2D local constant smoothing
## Not run: demo(irreg_ex2)