ecs_put_account_setting {aws.ecx}R Documentation

Put Account Setting


Put Account Setting


  name = NULL,
  value = NULL,
  principalArn = NULL,
  simplify = TRUE,
  others = list(),
  print_on_error = aws_get_print_on_error(),
  retry_time = aws_get_retry_time(),
  network_timeout = aws_get_network_timeout(),
  region = aws_get_region()



Character. The Amazon ECS resource name for which to modify the account setting.


Character. The account setting value for the specified principal ARN.


Character. The ARN of the principal, which can be an IAM user, IAM role, or the root user.


Logical. Whether to simplify the result and handle nextToken in the response[optional]


Named list. The parameters that are not included in the function parameters and need to be added into the request[optional]


Logical. Whether to show an error message when a network error occurs.


Integer. Number of retries for a REST request when encounter the network issue. If the request has been sent retry_time times but still not be able to get the response, an error will be thrown.


Numeric. Number of seconds to wait for a REST response until giving up. Can not be less than 1 ms.


Character. The region of the AWS service.


A list object or a character vector


The Amazon ECS resource name for which to modify the account setting. If serviceLongArnFormat is specified, the ARN for your Amazon ECS services is affected. If taskLongArnFormat is specified, the ARN and resource ID for your Amazon ECS tasks is affected. If containerInstanceLongArnFormat is specified, the ARN and resource ID for your Amazon ECS container instances is affected. If awsvpcTrunking is specified, the elastic network interface (ENI) limit for your Amazon ECS container instances is affected. If containerInsights is specified, the default setting for CloudWatch Container Insights for your clusters is affected.


The account setting value for the specified principal ARN. Accepted values are enabled and disabled.


The ARN of the principal, which can be an IAM user, IAM role, or the root user. If you specify the root user, it modifies the account setting for all IAM users, IAM roles, and the root user of the account unless an IAM user or role explicitly overrides these settings. If this field is omitted, the setting is changed only for the authenticated user.

[Package aws.ecx version 1.0.5 Index]