An R Port of the 'ImageJ' Plugin 'Auto Threshold'

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Documentation for package ‘autothresholdr’ version 1.4.2

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apply_mask Automatically threshold an array of non-negative integers.
auto_thresh Automatically threshold an array of non-negative integers.
auto_thresh_apply_mask Automatically threshold an array of non-negative integers.
auto_thresh_mask Automatically threshold an array of non-negative integers.
mask Automatically threshold an array of non-negative integers.
masked_arr Masked array class.
mean_stack_thresh Threshold every image frame in an image stack based on their mean.
med_stack_thresh Threshold every image frame in a stack based on their median.
stack_threshed_img Stack-thresholded image class.
th Automatically found threshold class.
threshed_arr Thresholded array class.