atom4R-package |
Tools to Handle and Publish Metadata as Atom XML Format |
atom4R |
Tools to Handle and Publish Metadata as Atom XML Format |
atom4RLogger |
atom4RLogger |
AtomAbstractObject |
Atom feed class |
AtomAuthor |
Atom Author class |
AtomCategory |
Atom Category class |
AtomContributor |
Atom Contributorr class |
AtomEntry |
Atom Entry class |
AtomFeed |
Atom feed class |
AtomLink |
Atom Link class |
AtomNamespace |
AtomNamespace |
AtomPerson |
Atom Person class |
AtomPubClient |
AtomPubClient class |
DCAbstract |
DCAbstract |
DCAccessRights |
DCAccessRights |
DCAccrualMethod |
DCAccrualMethod |
DCAccrualPeriodicity |
DCAccrualPeriodicity |
DCAccrualPolicy |
DCAccrualPolicy |
DCAlternative |
DCAlternative |
DCAudience |
DCAudience |
DCAvailable |
DCAvailable |
DCBibliographicCitation |
DCBibliographicCitation |
DCConformsTo |
DCConformsTo |
DCContributor |
DCContributor |
DCCoverage |
DCCoverage |
DCCreated |
DCCreated |
DCCreator |
DCCreator |
DCDate |
DCDate |
DCDateAccepted |
DCDateAccepted |
DCDateCopyrighted |
DCDateCopyrighted |
DCDateSubmitted |
DCDateSubmitted |
DCDescription |
DCDescription |
DCEducationalLevel |
DCEducationalLevel |
DCElement |
DublinCore element class |
DCEntry |
Dublin Core Entry class |
DCExtent |
DCExtent |
DCFormat |
DCFormat |
DCHasPart |
DCHasPart |
DCHasVersion |
DCHasVersion |
DCIdentifier |
DCIdentifier |
DCInstructionalMethod |
DCInstructionalMethod |
DCIsPartOf |
DCIsPartOf |
DCIsReferencedBy |
DCIsReferencedBy |
DCIsReplacedBy |
DCIsReplacedBy |
DCIsRequiredBy |
DCIsRequiredBy |
DCIssued |
DCIssued |
DCIsVersionOf |
DCIsVersionOf |
DCLanguage |
DCLanguage |
DCLicense |
DCLicense |
DCMediator |
DCMediator |
DCMedium |
DCMedium |
DCMIVocabulary |
DCMI Vocabulary class |
DCModified |
DCModified |
DCProvenance |
DCProvenance |
DCPublisher |
DCPublisher |
DCReferences |
DCReferences |
DCRelation |
DCRelation |
DCReplaces |
DCReplaces |
DCRequires |
DCRequires |
DCRights |
DCRights |
DCRightsHolder |
DCRightsHolder |
DCSource |
DCSource |
DCSpatial |
DCSpatial |
DCSubject |
DCSubject |
DCTableOfContents |
DCTableOfContents |
DCTemporal |
DCTemporal |
DCTitle |
DCTitle |
DCType |
DCType |
DCValid |
DCValid |
getAtomClasses |
getAtomClasses |
getAtomNamespace |
getAtomNamespace |
getAtomNamespaces |
getAtomNamespaces |
getAtomSchemas |
getAtomSchemas |
getClassesInheriting |
getClassesInheriting |
getDCMIVocabularies |
getDCMIVocabularies |
getDCMIVocabulary |
getDCMIVocabulary |
readDCEntry |
readDCEntry |
registerAtomNamespace |
registerAtomNamespace |
registerAtomSchema |
registerAtomSchema |
setAtomNamespaces |
setMetadataNamespaces |
setAtomSchemas |
setAtomSchemas |
setDCMIVocabularies |
setDCMIVocabularies |
SwordClient |
SwordClient class |
SwordDataverseClient |
SWORD Dataverse client class |
SwordHalClient |
SwordHalClient class |
SwordServiceDocument |
SwordServiceDocument class |