Coroutines: Generators / Yield, Async / Await, and Streams

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Documentation for package ‘async’ version 0.3.2

Help Pages Collect iterator / channel items into a vector.
async Create an asynchronous task from sequential code.
await Create an asynchronous task from sequential code.
awaitNext Wait for the next value from a channel or stream.
channel An object representing a sequence of future values.
channel.function An object representing a sequence of future values.
collect Collect iterator / channel items into a vector.
collector Collect iterator / channel items into a vector.
combine Combine several channels into one.
debugAsync Toggle single-step debugging for a coroutine.
delay Asynchronous pause.
format.coroutine Query / display coroutine properties and state.
gather Collect iterator / channel items into a vector.
gen Create an iterator using sequential code.
goto Coroutine switch with delimited goto.
graphAsync Draw a graph representation of a coroutine. An object representing a sequence of future values.
nextThen Receive values from channels by callback.
pausables Pausable functions.
run Execute a generator expression immediately, collecting yielded values.
stream Create an asynchronous iterator by writing sequential code.
subscribe Receive values from channels by callback.
summary.async Query / display coroutine properties and state.
summary.coroutine Query / display coroutine properties and state.
summary.generator Query / display coroutine properties and state. Query / display coroutine properties and state.
yield Create an iterator using sequential code.
yieldFrom Create an iterator using sequential code.