translate {ast2ast}R Documentation

Translates an R function into a C++ function.


An R function is translated to C++ source code and afterwards the code is compiled.
The result can be an external pointer (XPtr) or an R function.
The default value is an R function.
Further information can be found in the vignette: Detailed Documentation.


    output = "R",
    types_of_args = "SEXP",
    return_type = "SEXP",
    reference = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE,
    getsource = FALSE



The function which should be translated from R to C++.


If set to "R"" an R function wrapping the C++ code is returned.
If output is set to "XPtr"" an external pointer object pointing to the C++ code is returned.
The default value is "R".


define the types of the arguments passed to the function as an character vector. This is an optional input if using "XPtr" as output.
The default value is "SEXP" as this is the only possibility for output "R".
In case one want to use an external pointer the easiest way is to pass "sexp" for types_of_args.
Beyond that it is possible to pass "double", "ptr_vec" and "ptr_mat". For more information see below for details and check the vignette InformationForPackageAuthors. Beyond that, be aware that the passed SEXP objects are only copied if the object size increases. Thus, R objects can be modified within the function! See in section details for an example


is a character defining the type which the function returns. The default value is "SEXP"" as this is the only possibility for output "R".
Additionally, the possibilities "sexp" and "void" exist for the external pointer interface.


If set to TRUE the arguments are passed by reference (not possible if output is "R").


If set to TRUE the output of the compilation process is printed.


If set to TRUE the function is not compiled and instead the C++ source code itself is returned.


The types numeric vector and numeric matrix are supported. Notably, it is possible that the variables change the type within the function.
Beyond that, be aware that the passed SEXP objects are only copied if the size increases. Thus, R objects can be modified within the function!
For example in the following code the variable a contains 1, 2, and 3 before the function call and afterwards 1, 1 and 1. In contrast for variable b the size changes and thus the object within R is not modified. Furthermore, the variable c is not increased and only the first element is changed.

⁠ f <- function(a, b, c) { a[c(1, 2, 3)] <- 1 b <- vector(10) c <- vector(1) } fcpp <- ast2ast::translate(f) a <- c(1, 2, 3) b <- c(1, 2, 3) c <- c(1, 2, 3) fcpp(a, b,c) print(a) print(b) print(c) ⁠ It is possible to declare a variable of a scalar numeric data type. This is done by adding _db to the end of the variable. Each time _db is found the variable is declared as a scalar numeric data type. In this case the object cannot change its type! In the example below the variable a_db is of type double whereas b is of type "sexp".
⁠ f <- function() { a_db = 3.14 b = 3.14 } fcpp <- ast2ast::translate(f, verbose = TRUE) fcpp() ⁠
In R every object is under the hood a SEXP object. In case an R function is created as output only SEXP elements can be passed to the function. Furthermore, these functions always return a SEXP element. Even if nothing is returned; in this case NULL is returned!. Notably, is that only numeric vectors (in R also scalar values are vectors) or numeric matrices can be passed to the function.
In contrast if an external pointer is created other types can be specified which are passed to the function or returned from it. The default value is a variable of type sexp. This is the data type which is used in the C++ code. The ptr_vec and ptr_mat interface work in a different way. If using ptr_vec a double* pointer is expected as first element. Additionally a second argument is needed which is of type int and which defines the size of the array. This works in the same way for ptr_mat. But instead of the size argument two integers are needed which define the number of rows and columns. Both arguments have to be of type int. Notably, the memory is only borrowed. Thus, the memory is not automatically deleted! See vignette InformationForPackageAuthors for more information.
The following functions are supported:

  1. assignment: = and <-

  2. allocation: vector and matrix

  3. information about objects: length and dim

  4. Basic operations: +, -, *, /

  5. Indices: '[]' and at

  6. mathematical functions: sin, asin, sinh, cos, acos, cosh, tan, atan, tanh, sqrt, log, ^ and exp

  7. concatenate objects: c

  8. control flow: for, if, else if, else

  9. comparison: ==, !=, >, <, >= and <=

  10. printing: print

  11. returning objects: return

  12. catmull-rome spline: cmr

  13. to get a range of numbers the ':' function can be used

  14. and is.infinite can be used to test for NA and Inf.

  15. d-, p-, q- and r-unif, -norm, -lnorm and -gamma (for gamma argument Scale cannot be defined and is calculated using 1/rate)

Some details about the implemented functions


If output is set to R an R function is returned. Thus, the C++ code can directly be called within R.
In contrast a function which returns an external pointer is generated if the output is set to XPtr.


 # Further examples can be found in the vignettes. 
    ## Not run: 
      # Hello World
      # ==========================================================================
      # Translating to R_fct
      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      f <- function() { print("Hello World!")}
      # Translating to external pointer
      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      f <- function() { print("Hello World!")}
      pointer_to_f_cpp <- ast2ast::translate(f, 
                                             output = "XPtr", return_type = "void")
      Rcpp::sourceCpp(code = '
      #include <Rcpp.h>
      typedef void (*fp)();

      // [[Rcpp::export]]
      void call_fct(Rcpp::XPtr<fp> inp) {
        fp f = *inp;
        f(); } ')
      # Run sum example:
      # ==========================================================================
      # R version of run sum
      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      run_sum <- function(x, n) {
        sz <- length(x)
        ov <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = sz)
        ov[n] <- sum(x[1:n])
        for(i in (n+1):sz) {
          ov[i] <- ov[i-1] + x[i] - x[i-n]
        ov[1:(n-1)] <- NA
      # translated Version of R function
      # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      run_sum_fast <- function(x, n) {
        sz <- length(x)
        ov <- vector(sz)
        sum_db = 0
        for(i in 1:n) {
          sum_db <- sum_db + at(x, i)
        ov[n] <- sum_db
        for(i in (n + 1):sz) {
          ov[i] <- at(ov, i - 1) + at(x, i) - at(x, i - at(n, 1))
        ov[1:(n - 1)] <- NA
      run_sum_cpp <- ast2ast::translate(run_sum_fast, verbose = FALSE)
      x <- rnorm(10000)
      n <- 500
      one <- run_sum(x, n)
      two <- run_sum_cpp(x, n)
## End(Not run)

[Package ast2ast version 0.3.2 Index]