dsidr {assist} | R Documentation |
Interface of dsidr subroutines in RKPACK
To calculate a spline estimate with a single smoothing parameter
dsidr(y, q, s=NULL, weight=NULL, vmu="v", varht=NULL,
limnla=c(-10, 3), job=-1, tol=0)
y |
a numerical vector representing the response. |
q |
a square matrix of the same order as the length of y, with elements equal to the reproducing kernel evaluated at the design points. |
s |
the design matrix of the null space |
weight |
A weight matrix for penalized weighted least-square: |
vmu |
a character string specifying a method for choosing the smoothing parameter. "v", "m" and "u" represent GCV, GML and UBR respectively.
"u |
varht |
needed only when vmu="u", which gives the fixed variance in calculation of the UBR function. Default is NULL. |
limnla |
a vector of length 2, specifying a search range for the n times smoothing parameter on |
job |
an integer representing the optimization method used to find the smoothing parameter.
The options are job=-1: golden-section search on (limnla(1), limnla(2));
job=0: golden-section search with interval specified automatically;
job >0: regular grid search on |
tol |
tolerance for truncation used in ‘dsidr’. Default is 0.0, which sets to square of machine precision. |
info |
an integer that provides error message. info=0 indicates normal termination, info=-1 indicates dimension error, info=-2 indicates
fit |
fitted values. |
c |
estimates of c. |
d |
estimates of d. |
resi |
vector of residuals. |
varht |
estimate of variance. |
nlaht |
the estimate of log10(nobs*lambda). |
limnla |
searching range for nlaht. |
score |
the minimum GCV/GML/UBR score at the estimated smoothing parameter. When job>0, it gives a vector of GCV/GML/UBR functions evaluated at regular grid points. |
df |
equavilent degree of freedom. |
nobs |
length(y), number of observations. |
nnull |
dim( |
s , qraux , jpvt |
QR decomposition of S=FR, as from Linpack ‘dqrdc’. |
q |
first dim( |
Chunlei Ke chunlei_ke@yahoo.com and Yuedong Wang yuedong@pstat.ucsb.edu
Gu, C. (1989). RKPACK and its applications: Fitting smoothing spline models. Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section, ASA, 42-51.
Wahba, G. (1990). Spline Models for Observational Data. SIAM, Vol. 59.