RawGenomicSignals {aroma.core} | R Documentation |
The RawGenomicSignals class
Package: aroma.core
Class RawGenomicSignals
Directly known subclasses:
AbstractCNData, AbstractPSCNData, NonPairedPSCNData, PairedPSCNData, RawAlleleBFractions, RawCopyNumbers, RawMirroredAlleleBFractions, RawSequenceReads, SegmentedAlleleBFractions, SegmentedCopyNumbers
public class RawGenomicSignals
extends RichDataFrame
RawGenomicSignals(y=NULL, x=NULL, w=NULL, chromosome=0L, name=NULL, ...)
y |
A |
x |
A (optional) |
w |
A (optional) non-negative |
chromosome |
An (optional) |
name |
An (optional) |
... |
Not used. |
Fields and Methods
* | - | |
+ | - | |
- | - | |
addBy | - | |
append | - | |
as.data.frame | - | |
binnedSmoothing | - | |
divideBy | - | |
drawDensity | - | |
estimateStandardDeviation | - | |
gaussianSmoothing | - | |
getChromosome | - | |
getChromosomes | - | |
getPositions | - | |
getSigma | - | |
getSignals | - | |
getWeights | - | |
getXScale | - | |
getYScale | - | |
hasWeights | - | |
kernelSmoothing | - | |
lines | - | |
multiplyBy | - | |
nbrOfChromosomes | - | |
nbrOfLoci | - | |
plot | - | |
points | - | |
segmentByCBS | - | |
segmentByGLAD | - | |
segmentByHaarSeg | - | |
segmentByMPCBS | - | |
setSigma | - | |
setSignals | - | |
setWeights | - | |
setXScale | - | |
setYScale | - | |
signalRange | - | |
sort | - | |
subtractBy | - | |
xMax | - | |
xMin | - | |
xRange | - | |
xSeq | - | |
yMax | - | |
yMin | - | |
yRange | - | |
Methods inherited from RichDataFrame:
$, $<-, [, [[, [[<-, as.data.frame, as.list, dim, dropVirtualColumn, getColumnNames, getColumnNamesTranslator, getFullName, getName, getTags, getVirtualColumn, getVirtualColumnFunction, getVirtualColumnNames, hasColumn, hasColumns, hasVirtualColumn, hasVirtualColumns, length, names, newInstance, print, rbind, setAttributes, setColumnNamesMap, setColumnNamesTranslator, setName, setTags, setVirtualColumn, subset, translateColumnNames
Methods inherited from data.frame:
$<-,data.frame-method, $<-, Math, Ops,nonStructure,vector-method, Ops,structure,vector-method, Ops,vector,nonStructure-method, Ops,vector,structure-method, Ops, Summary, [, [<-,data.frame-method, [<-, [[, [[<-,data.frame-method, [[<-, aggregate, anyDuplicated, anyNA, as.NonPairedPSCNData, as.PairedPSCNData, as.data.frame, as.list, as.matrix, as.vector, attachLocally, by, callSegmentationOutliers, cbind, coerce,ANY,list-method, coerce,oldClass,S3-method, dim, dimnames, dimnames<-, dropSegmentationOutliers, droplevels, duplicated, edit, findLargeGaps, format, formula, head, initialize,oldClass-method, is.na, merge, na.exclude, na.omit, plot, plotDensity, print, prompt, rbind, row.names, row.names<-, rowsum, segmentByCBS, segmentByPairedPSCBS, show,oldClass-method, slotsFromS3,data.frame-method, split, split<-, stack, str, subset, summary, t, tail, transform, type.convert, unique, unstack, unwrap, within, wrap, writeDataFrame, xtfrm
Henrik Bengtsson