GladModel {aroma.core} | R Documentation |
The GladModel class
Package: aroma.core
Class GladModel
Directly known subclasses:
public static class GladModel
extends CopyNumberSegmentationModel
This class represents the Gain and Loss Analysis of DNA regions (GLAD) model [1]. This class can model chip-effect estimates obtained from multiple chip types, and not all samples have to be available on all chip types.
GladModel(cesTuple=NULL, ...)
cesTuple |
... |
Arguments passed to the constructor of
Data from multiple chip types are combined "as is". This is based on the assumption that the relative chip effect estimates are non-biased (or at the equally biased across chip types). Note that in GLAD there is no way to down weight certain data points, which is why we can control for differences in variance across chip types.
Fields and Methods
writeRegions | - | |
Methods inherited from CopyNumberSegmentationModel:
fit, getAsteriskTags, getFitFunction, getFullNames, getRegions, getTags, plot, plotCopyNumberRegionLayers, writeRegions
Methods inherited from CopyNumberChromosomalModel:
as.character, calculateChromosomeStatistics, calculateRatios, estimateSds, extractRawCopyNumbers, fit, getChromosomeLength, getDataFileMatrix, getMaxNAFraction, getNames, getOptionalArguments, getPairedNames, getRefSetTuple, getReference, getReferenceSetTuple, isPaired, newPlot, plotAxesLayers, plotChromosomesLayers, plotCytobandLayers, plotFitLayers, plotGridHorizontalLayers, plotRawCopyNumbers, plotSampleLayers, setReference
Methods inherited from ChromosomalModel:
as.character, fit, getAlias, getAromaGenomeTextFile, getAsteriskTags, getChipType, getChipTypes, getChromosomes, getFullName, getFullNames, getGenome, getGenomeData, getGenomeFile, getListOfAromaUgpFiles, getName, getNames, getParentPath, getPath, getReportPath, getRootPath, getSetTuple, getSets, getTags, indexOf, nbrOfArrays, nbrOfChipTypes, setChromosomes, setGenome
Methods inherited from Object:
$, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clearLookupCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, getEnvironment, getFieldModifier, getFieldModifiers, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, names, objectSize, print, save, asThis
In high-density copy numbers analysis, the most time consuming step is fitting the GLAD model. The complexity of the model grows more than linearly (squared? exponentially?) with the number of data points in the chromosome and sample being fitted. This is why it take much more than twice the time to fit two chip types together than separately.
Henrik Bengtsson
[1] Hupe P et al. Analysis of array CGH data: from signal ratio to
gain and loss of DNA regions. Bioinformatics, 2004, 20, 3413-3422.