tacvfARFIMA {arfima} | R Documentation |
The theoretical autocovariance function of a long memory process.
Calculates the tacvf of a mixed long memory-ARMA (with posible seasonal components). Combines long memory and ARMA (and non-seasonal and seasonal) parts via convolution.
phi = numeric(0),
theta = numeric(0),
dfrac = numeric(0),
phiseas = numeric(0),
thetaseas = numeric(0),
dfs = numeric(0),
H = numeric(0),
Hs = numeric(0),
alpha = numeric(0),
alphas = numeric(0),
period = 0,
useCt = T,
sigma2 = 1
phi |
The autoregressive parameters in vector form. |
theta |
The moving average parameters in vector form. See Details for
differences from |
dfrac |
The fractional differencing parameter. |
phiseas |
The seasonal autoregressive parameters in vector form. |
thetaseas |
The seasonal moving average parameters in vector form. See
Details for differences from |
dfs |
The seasonal fractional differencing parameter. |
H |
The Hurst parameter for fractional Gaussian noise (FGN). Should
not be mixed with |
Hs |
The Hurst parameter for seasonal fractional Gaussian noise (FGN).
Should not be mixed with |
alpha |
The decay parameter for power-law autocovariance (PLA) noise.
Should not be mixed with |
alphas |
The decay parameter for seasonal power-law autocovariance
(PLA) noise. Should not be mixed with |
period |
The periodicity of the seasonal components. Must be >= 2. |
maxlag |
The number of terms to compute: technically the output sequence is from lags 0 to maxlag, so there are maxlag + 1 terms. |
useCt |
Whether or not to use C to compute the (parts of the) tacvf. |
sigma2 |
Used in |
The log-likelihood is computed for the given series z and the parameters.
If two or more of dfrac
, H
or alpha
are present and/or
two or more of dfs
, Hs
or alphas
are present, an error
will be thrown, as otherwise there is redundancy in the model. Note that
non-seasonal and seasonal components can be of different types: for example,
there can be seasonal FGN with FDWN at the non-seasonal level.
The moving average parameters are in the Box-Jenkins convention: they are
the negative of the parameters given by arima
A sequence of length maxlag + 1 (lags 0 to maxlag) of the tacvf of the given process.
JQ (Justin) Veenstra and A. I. McLeod
Veenstra, J.Q. Persistence and Antipersistence: Theory and Software (PhD Thesis)
P. Borwein (1995) An efficient algorithm for Riemann Zeta function Canadian Math. Soc. Conf. Proc., 27, pp. 29-34.
t1 <- tacvfARFIMA(phi = c(0.2, 0.1), theta = 0.4, dfrac = 0.3, maxlag = 30)
t2 <- tacvfARFIMA(phi = c(0.2, 0.1), theta = 0.4, H = 0.8, maxlag = 30)
t3 <- tacvfARFIMA(phi = c(0.2, 0.1), theta = 0.4, alpha = 0.4, maxlag = 30)
plot(t1, type = "o", col = "blue", pch = 20)
lines(t2, type = "o", col = "red", pch = 20)
lines(t3, type = "o", col = "purple", pch = 20) #they decay at about the same rate