get_valid_day_flag {arctools}R Documentation

Compute valid day flag


Compute valid/non-valid day flag (1/0) for each minute of activity counts data.


get_valid_day_flag(wear_flag, validday_nonwear_maximum_window = 144)



An integer vector. The vector has value 1 if a minute belongs to a wear time-interval, value 0 if a minute belongs to a non-wear time-interval, and value NA to denote minutes before/after data collection started/finished.

Vector wear_flag is assumed to be in midnight-to-midnight format, meaning its vector length is a multiple of number of minutes in a full day (1440). See arctools::midnight_to_midnight(), arctools::get_wear_flag().


In integer scalar. Maxmimum number of minutes of non-wear/not collecting data so as the day is still considered valid. Default is 144 (10% of 1440 minutes of a full day).


All minute-level observations from one day are assigned the same value of valid day flag. The flag is 1 if a day is determined to be valid, and 0 otherwise.

A day is determined to be valid if it has no more than validday_nonwear_maximum_window minutes of missing data. Data may be missing due to identified sensor nonwear or because activity data collection has not started yet/has finished already in a particular day.


An integer vector. It has value 1 if a minute belongs to a valid day, and 0 otherwise.


## Read exemplary data
fpath_i <- system.file("extdata", extdata_fnames[1], package = "arctools")
dat_i   <-
acc     <- dat_i$vectormagnitude
acc_ts  <- lubridate::ymd_hms(dat_i$timestamp)
## Get acc data vector in "midnight_to_midnight" format
acc <- midnight_to_midnight(acc, acc_ts)
## Get wear/non-wear flag
wear_flag <- get_wear_flag(acc)
## Get valid/non-valid day flag
valid_day_flag <- get_valid_day_flag(wear_flag)

[Package arctools version 1.1.6 Index]