applyCut |
Apply Cut Points to Vector |
applyCuts |
Apply Cut Points to Data Frame |
cba |
CBA Classifier |
cbaCSV |
Example CBA Workflow with CSV Input |
cbaIris |
Test CBA Workflow on Iris Dataset |
cbaIrisNumeric |
Test CBA Workflow on Iris Dataset with numeric target |
CBARuleModel |
CBARuleModel |
CBARuleModel-class |
CBARuleModel |
CBARuleModelAccuracy |
Prediction Accuracy |
cba_manual |
CBA Classifier from provided rules |
discretizeUnsupervised |
Unsupervised Discretization |
discrNumeric |
Discretize Numeric Columns In Data frame |
getAppearance |
Method that generates items for values in given data frame column. |
getConfVectorForROC |
Returns vector with confidences for the positive class (useful for ROC or AUC computation) |
humtemp |
Comfort level based on temperature and humidity of the environment |
mdlp2 |
Supervised Discretization |
predict.CBARuleModel |
Apply Rule Model |
prune |
Classifier Builder |
topRules |
Rule Generation |