glomApply {aqp}R Documentation

Subset an SPC by applying glom to each profile


glomApply() is a function used for subsetting SoilProfileCollection objects by depth. It is a wrapper around glom which is intended to subset single-profile SPCs based on depth intervals/intersection.

glomApply works by accepting a function .fun as argument. This function is used on each profile to process a multi-profile SPC for input to glom (via profileApply). For each profile, .fun returns a 2-length numeric vector of top and bottom boundaries glom arguments: z1, z2.

glomApply provides the option to generate profile-specific glom depths for a large SPC and handles iteration and rebuilding of a subset SPC object. Optional arguments include: truncate to cut the boundaries to specified [z1, z2]; invert to the portion outside [z1, z2], modality to either "all" horizons or "thickest" horizon in the glom interval. ... are various expressions you can run on the individual profiles using NSE, similar to mutate.


  .fun = NULL,
  truncate = FALSE,
  invert = FALSE,
  modality = "all",
  chunk.size = 100



A SoilProfileCollection


A function that returns vector with top and bottom depth (z1 and z2 arguments to glom) for a single profile p (as passed by profileApply)


Truncate horizon top and bottom depths to [z1, z2]


Truncate horizon top and bottom depths to [z1, z2] and then invert result?


Aggregation method for glom result. Default "all": return all horizons; "thickest": return (shallowest) thickest horizon


A set of comma-delimited R expressions that resolve to a transformation to be applied to a single profile e.g glomApply(hzdept = max(hzdept) - hzdept) like aqp::mutate


Chunk size parameter for profileApply


A SoilProfileCollection.


Andrew G. Brown.

See Also

glom trunc

glom glomApply


# keep examples from using more than 2 cores
data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))

depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom

# init horizon designation column in metadata, used by estimateSoilDepth
hzdesgnname(sp3) <- 'name'

# constant depths, whole horizon returns by default
plot(glomApply(sp3, function(p) c(25,100)))

# constant depths, truncated
#(see aqp::trunc for helper function)
plot(glomApply(sp3, function(p) c(25,30), truncate = TRUE))

# constant depths, inverted
plot(glomApply(sp3, function(p) c(25,100), invert = TRUE))

# constant depths, inverted + truncated (same as above)
plot(glomApply(sp3, function(p) c(25,30), invert = TRUE, truncate=TRUE))

# random boundaries in each profile
plot(glomApply(sp3, function(p) round(sort(runif(2, 0, max(sp3))))))

# random boundaries in each profile (truncated)
plot(glomApply(sp3, function(p) round(sort(runif(2, 0, max(sp3)))), truncate = TRUE))

# calculate some boundaries as site level attribtes
sp3$glom_top <- profileApply(sp3, getMineralSoilSurfaceDepth)
sp3$glom_bottom <- profileApply(sp3, estimateSoilDepth)

# use site level attributes for glom intervals for each profile
plot(glomApply(sp3, function(p) return(c(p$glom_top, p$glom_bottom))))

[Package aqp version 2.0.4 Index]