Inspect, Read, Edit and Run 'APSIM' "Next Generation" and 'APSIM' Classic

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Documentation for package ‘apsimx’ version 2.6.2

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$<-.met Add a column to an object of class 'met'
add_column_apsim_met Add a column to an object of class 'met'
amp_apsim_met Calculates attribute amp for an object of class 'met'
apsim Run an APSIM (7.x) 'Classic' simulation
apsim.options Environment which stores APSIM options
apsimx Run an APSIM-X simulation
apsimx.options Environment which stores APSIM-X options
apsimx_example Access Example APSIM-X Simulations
apsimx_filetype Test file format for .apsimx files
apsimx_options Setting some options for the package
apsimx_soil_profile Create APSIM-X Soil Profiles
apsim_example Access Example APSIM Simulations
apsim_options Setting some options specific to APSIM (7.x) 'Classic'
apsim_version Display available APSIM 'Classic' and APSIM-X versions
as_apsim_met Conversion from data frame to met object
auto_detect_apsimx_examples Auto detect where apsimx examples are located
auto_detect_apsim_examples Auto detect where apsim examples are located
available_water_content Calculate available water content
carbon_stocks Calculate soil carbon stocks
check_apsimx_soil_profile Create APSIM-X Soil Profiles
check_apsim_met Check a met file for possible errors
coef.optim_apsim Optimize parameters in an APSIM simulation
compare_apsim Compare two or more apsim output objects
compare_apsim_met Compare two or more metfiles
compare_apsim_soil_profile Compare two or more soil profiles
confint.optim_apsim Optimize parameters in an APSIM simulation
date2doy Converts from doy to date
doy2date Converts from doy to date
edit_apsim Edit an APSIM (Classic) Simulation
edit_apsimx Edit an APSIM-X (JSON) Simulation
edit_apsimx_batch Edit an APSIM-X (JSON) Simulation in Batch mode
edit_apsimx_replacement Edit a replacement component in an .apsimx (JSON) file
edit_apsimx_replace_soil_profile Edit APSIM-X file with a replaced soil profile
edit_apsim_replace_soil_profile Edit APSIM 'Classic' file with a replaced soil profile
edit_apsim_xml Edit an APSIM (Classic) Simulation auxiliary xml file
extract_values_apsimx Extract values from a parameter path
get_apsimx_json fetches the json file for a specific model from APSIMX github
get_chirps_apsim_met Get CHIRPS data for an APSIM met file
get_daymet2_apsim_met Get DAYMET data for an APSIM met file
get_daymet_apsim_met Get DAYMET data for an APSIM met file
get_gsod_apsim_met Get GSOD data for an APSIM met file
get_iemre_apsim_met Get weather data from Iowa Environmental Mesonet Reanalysis
get_iem_apsim_met Get weather data from Iowa Environmental Ag Weather Stations
get_isric_soil_profile Generate a synthetic APSIM soil profile from the ISRIC soil database
get_power_apsim_met Get NASA-POWER data for an APSIM met file
get_ssurgo_soil_profile Retrieve soil profile data and convert it to an object of class 'soil_profile'
get_ssurgo_tables Retrieve soil profile data and return a (list) with data frames (tables)
get_worldmodeler_soil_profile Generate a synthetic APSIM soil profile from the World Modeler database
grep_json_list grep but for json list
impute_apsim_met Perform imputation for missing data in a met file
initialwater_parms Helper function to supply additional Initial Soil Water parameters
insert_replacement_node Inserts a replacement node in a simple apsimx simulation file
inspect_apsim Inspect an .apsim (XML) file
inspect_apsimx Inspect an .apsimx (JSON) file
inspect_apsimx_json Inspect an .apsimx or .json (JSON) file
inspect_apsimx_replacement Inspect a replacement component in an .apsimx (JSON) file
inspect_apsim_xml Inspect an APSIM Classic auxiliary (XML) file
mcmc.apsim.env Environment to store data for apsim MCMC
mcmc.apsimx.env Environment to store data for apsimx MCMC
napad_apsim_met Pad a met file with NAs when there are date discontinuities
obsWheat Observed wheat phenology, LAI and biomass
optim_apsim Optimize parameters in an APSIM simulation
optim_apsimx Optimize parameters in an APSIM Next Generation simulation
plot.met Plot method for object of class 'met'
plot.met_mrg Compare two or more metfiles
plot.out_mrg Compare two or more apsim output objects
plot.soil_profile Create APSIM-X Soil Profiles
plot.soil_profile_mrg Compare two or more soil profiles
print.met Printer-friendly version of a metfile
print.met_mrg Compare two or more metfiles
print.optim_apsim Optimize parameters in an APSIM simulation
print.out_mrg Compare two or more apsim output objects
print.soil_profile_mrg Compare two or more soil profiles
read_apsim Read APSIM generated .out files
read_apsimx Read APSIM-X generated .db files
read_apsimx_all Read all APSIM-X generated .db files in a directory
read_apsim_all Read all APSIM generated .out files in a directory
read_apsim_met Read in an APSIM met file
read_apsim_soils Read in a soils (XML) file into a list of 'soil_profile' objects
remove_column_apsim_met Add a column to an object of class 'met'
sens_apsim Sensitivity Analysis for APSIM Next Generation simulation
sens_apsimx Sensitivity Analysis for APSIM Next Generation simulation
soilorganicmatter_parms Helper function to supply additional Soil Organic Matter parameters
soilwat_parms Helper function to supply SoilWat parameters
ssurgo2sp Take in SSURGO csv files and create a soil profile
summary.met Summary for an APSIM met file
summary.sens_apsim Sensitivity Analysis for APSIM Next Generation simulation
swim_parms Helper function to supply SWIM parameters
tt_apsim_met Calculates Thermal Time taking a 'met' object
unit_conv performs common unit conversions
vcov.optim_apsim Optimize parameters in an APSIM simulation
view_apsim Viewing an APSIM Classic file interactively
view_apsimx Viewing an APSIM-X file interactively
view_apsim_xml View an APSIM Classic auxiliary (XML) file
wop Wheat example optimization results
wop.h Wheat example optimization results plus Hessian
write_apsim_met Write an APSIM met file
xargs_apsimx Provide extra arguments for APSIM-X