kwaymatching {approxmatch}R Documentation

Create approximately optimal matched strata of multiple, at least two, groups.


This function takes as input a distance structure and grouping labels of units to create an strata structure of the units that minimizes the sum distance. It also provides features for near fine balance on one or more nominal variables and exact match on a nominal variable.


kwaymatching(distmat, grouplabel, design, indexgroup = 1, .data, finebalanceVars, 
                       exactmatchon, ordering, reorder = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
tripletmatching(distmat, grouplabel, design, indexgroup = 1, .data, finebalanceVars, 



An output of multigrp_dist_struc. This a named list of matrices. Each list element correspond to the distance matrix between two groups. If group labels are 1:k. Then the elements are named '1-2', '1-3',\cdots, 'i-j', \cdots. For matching of three groups k=3. If groups are labeled by some character string then list elements are named accordingly. For example, if the groups are 'grpA', 'grpB', 'grpC'; the elements are 'grpA-grpB', 'grpA-grpC', 'grpB-grpB'.

Each element of the list is a numeric matrix of distances between units of the corresponding groups with number of rows equal to the size of the first group, and number of columns the size of the second group. The units are identified by their names in row or column names of the list elements.


This argument is used to provide information about the group structure of the units. There are a few options on how this information can be provided.

1) A numeric vector or a categorical vector. By providing a numeric vector which labels each the units to corresponding groups.

2) A matrix or data frame of dummy variables with number of groups as the number of rows (one for each group) and number of units as the number of columns.

3) A character vector of variable names. If .data is provided then only name of the variable which contains the information about the grouping can be provided. If the grouping information is encoded in dummy variable, one can also just provide the names of the dummy variables.

If either the first or the second kind of information is provided, it is expected that the unit are identifiable from the names (in the first case) or rownames (in the second case) of grouplabel.


A vector of positive integers specifying the design. If not provided then the default is one unit from each group.


The number or the name of the group to be considered as the index group. The design size of the index group should be 1. Further, for each non-index group the size of the group should be at least the product of design size of that group and size of the index group.


Optional argument but recommended. The data frame or matrix of the dataset. The units are recognized by rownames. This is used when further design structure of near fine balance and exact match on certain variable is imposed.


An optional character vector of names of the columns of .data on which the matching will be near fine balanced.


Name of the column of .data on which matching will be exact. (optional)


Optional vector of size the number of groups, specifying the order in which groups will be matched sequentially.


Optional logical argument for whether matching will be done after permuting the groups randomly.


A logical argument. If true some details about the implementation may be prompted when running.


Only required arguments are distmat, grouplabel, design and indexgroup. .data is suggested but not required, in which case units are assumed to be labeled 1:length(grouplabel).

Argument .data must be provided if structure of fine balance and/or exact match is imposed by arguments finebalanceVars and/or exactmatchon.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to perform matching, kwaymatching requires the user to load the optmatch (>= 0.9-1) package separately. The manual loading is required due to software license issues. If the package is not loaded the kwaymatching command will fail with an error saying the optmatch package is not present. Reference to optmatch is given below.


A list consisting of the following two elements.


A character matrix of size, size of the indexgroup×\times sum(design). Each row corresponds to a strata and cell values are the units in the strata.


The cost of the final matching calculated as the sum of the average distances between each pair of groups within every strata, and summing over all strata.


For theoretical guarantee it is expected that the distance structure satisfies triangle inequality. If triangle inequality is satisfied than the cost of the solution of this algorithm is at most twice that of the optimal match. Note, for more than two groups the problem of finding the optimal solution is NP-hard.


Bikram Karmakar


Karmakar, B., Small, D. S. and Rosenbaum, P. R. (2019) Using Approximation Algorithms to Build Evidence Factors and Related Designs for Observational Studies, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 28, 698–709.


	## USAGE 1
	## Not run: 
	## User is required to install and load the optmatch package separately,
	data(Dodgeram) # dodge ram pk 2500
	grouplabel = 2*Dodgeram$WITHSABS + 1*Dodgeram$NOSAB + 3*Dodgeram$optSAB
	# distance components consists of log propensity 
	# distance and rank based Mahalanobis distance.
	components <- list(prop = c("AGE", "IMPACT3"), mahal = c("SEX.2", "AGE", "FIRE_EXP1.1"))
	wgts <- c(10, 5)
	distmat <- multigrp_dist_struc(Dodgeram, grouplabel = grouplabel, components, wgts)	
	# Matching 
	design = c(1,1,3) # 3 units from the optional period, 1 each from other periods
	indexgroup = 2
	res = tripletmatching(distmat = distmat, grouplabel = grouplabel, design = design, 
	                            indexgroup = indexgroup)
	# covariance balance
	details = 'mean'
	covbalance(Dodgeram, grouplabel=c("NOSAB", "optSAB", "WITHSABS"), matches = res, 
	                          vars = c("AGE", "SEX.2", "IMPACT3.3", "DR_DRINK"), details)
## End(Not run)
	## USAGE 2
	## Not run: 
	## User is required to install and load the optmatch package separately,
	# Example distance structure
	components <- list(prop = c("AGE", "SEX.2", "FR.pass", "REST_USE1", "ROLLOVER1",
	            "IMPACT3", "SP_LIMIT", "DR_DRINK", "FIRE_EXP1.1"), 
	            mahal = c("SEX.2", "AGE", "SP_LIMIT", "DR_DRINK"), 				
	            mahal = c("IMPACT3", "REST_USE1"))
	wgts <- c(5, 8, 20)
	distmat <- multigrp_dist_struc(Dodgeram, grouplabel = c("NOSAB", "optSAB", "WITHSABS"), 
	                                   components, wgts)
	# Matching with fine balance and exact match
	indexgroup = "WITHSABS"
	finebalanceVars = c("ROLLOVER1.1", "FIRE_EXP1.1")
	exactmatchon = "FR.pass"
	res = tripletmatching(distmat = distmat, grouplabel = c("NOSAB", "optSAB", "WITHSABS"), 
	                design = c(3,3,1), indexgroup = indexgroup, .data = Dodgeram, 
	                finebalanceVars = finebalanceVars, exactmatchon = exactmatchon)
	# covariance balance
	vars = c("AGE", "SEX.2", "IMPACT3.3", "DR_DRINK")
	details = c('std_diff', 'mean', 'function(x) diff(range(x))', 
	                         'function(x) quantile(x, probs = .9)')
	names(details) <- c('std_diff', 'mean', 'range', '90perc')
	covbalance(.data=Dodgeram, grouplabel=c("NOSAB", "optSAB", "WITHSABS"), 
	                 matches = res, vars = vars, details)
## End(Not run)

[Package approxmatch version 2.0 Index]