get_residuals {api2lm}R Documentation

Extract residuals from a model


Extracts different types of residuals from a fitted model. The types of residuals are discussed in Details.


  rtype = c("ordinary", "standardized", "studentized", "jackknife", "loo", "deleted",
    "internally studentized", "externally studentized")



An lm object


The desired residual type. The options are "ordinary", "standardized", "studentized", "jackknife", "loo", "deleted", "internally studentized", and "externally studentized".


For observations 1, 2, \ldots, n, let:

  1. Y_i denote the response value for the ith observation.

  2. \hat{Y}_i denote the fitted value for the ith observation.

  3. h_i denote the leverage value for the ith observation.

We assume that \mathrm{sd}(Y_i) = \sigma for i \in \{1, 2, \ldots, n\} and that \hat{\sigma} is the estimate produced by sigma(x), where x is the fitted model object.

The ordinary residual for the ith observation is computed as

\hat{\epsilon}_i = Y_i - \hat{Y}_i.

The variance of the ith ordinary residual under standard assumptions is \sigma^2(1-h_i).

The standardized residual for the ith observation is computed as

r_i = \frac{\hat{\epsilon}_i}{\hat{\sigma}\sqrt{1-h_i}}.

The standardized residual is also known as the internally studentized residual.

Let \hat{Y}_{i(i)} denote the predicted value of Y_i for the model fit with all n observations except observation i. The leave-one-out (LOO) residual for observation i is computed as

l_i = Y_i - \hat{Y}_{i(i)} = \frac{\hat{\epsilon}_i}{1-h_i}.

The LOO residual is also known as the deleted or jackknife residual.

The studentized residual for the ith observation is computed as

t_i = \frac{l_i}{\hat{\sigma}_{(i)}\sqrt{1-h_i}},

where \hat{\sigma}_{(i)} is the leave-one-out estimate of \sigma.

The studentized residual is also known as the externally studentized residual.


A vector of residals.


lmod <- lm(Girth ~ Height, data = trees)
# ordinary residuals
rord <- get_residuals(lmod)
all.equal(rord, residuals(lmod))
# standardized residuals
rstand <- get_residuals(lmod, "standardized")
all.equal(rstand, rstandard(lmod))
# studentized residuals
rstud <- get_residuals(lmod, "studentized")
all.equal(rstud, rstudent(lmod))
# loo residuals
rl <- get_residuals(lmod, "loo")
all.equal(rl, rloo(lmod))

[Package api2lm version 0.2 Index]