Another Object Orientation System

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Documentation for package ‘aoos’ version 0.5.0

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!.Infix S3 helper classes
$-method Accessor class
$-method Private class
$-method Class aoos
$-method Constructors for public members
$<--method Accessor class
$<--method Private class
$<--method Class aoos
%%.Infix S3 helper classes
%g% Wrapper for writing S4 generics and methods
%m% Wrapper for writing S4 generics and methods
%type% Types
&.Infix S3 helper classes
+.Infix S3 helper classes
-.Infix S3 helper classes
.genericTest Generic Test
.genericTest-method Generic Test
/.Infix S3 helper classes
<.Infix S3 helper classes
<=.Infix S3 helper classes
==.Infix S3 helper classes
>.Infix S3 helper classes
>=.Infix S3 helper classes
Accessor-class Accessor class
aoos-class Class aoos
as.environment-method Class aoos
as.environment.Infix S3 helper classes
asEnv Generic constructor function
Binary-class Binary-class
defineClass Define a new class
defineRefClass Define a Reference Class
envCopy Helpers for environments
envMerge Helpers for environments
funNames Generic constructor function
parser_%g% Parser for roxygen documentation
parser_%m% Parser for roxygen documentation
parser_%type% Parser for roxygen documentation
print.Print S3 helper classes
private Define a new class
Private-class Private class
private-method Define a new class
public Define a new class
public-method Define a new class
publicFunction Constructors for public members
publicValue Constructors for public members
retList Generic constructor function
Show-class Show class
show-method Show class
show-method Class aoos
stripSelf Generic constructor function
summary.aoos Class aoos
[[-method Private class
[[<--method Private class
^.Infix S3 helper classes