Antares Visualizations

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Documentation for package ‘antaresViz’ version 0.18.0

Help Pages

addShadows Add a shadow to map layers
colorScaleOptions Graphical options for plotMap
defaultTilesURL Graphical options for plotMap
exchangesStack Plot the exchanges of an area
exchangesStackAliases Plot the exchanges of an area
getInteractivity Get and set interactivity mode
leafletDragPointsOutput Shiny bindings for placeGeoPoints
limitSizeGraph Use to change limit size of graph (in Mb)
mapLayout Place areas of a study on a map
modRpart Make rpart from antares data
modXY Make X-Y bockey plot, interactive version
placeGeoPoints-shiny Shiny bindings for placeGeoPoints
plot.antaresData plot time series contained in an antaresData object
plot.list plot time series contained in an antaresData object
plot.mapLayout Plot method for map layout
plot.simOptions plot time series contained in an antaresData object
plotMap Display results of a simulation on a map
plotMapLayout Visualize mapLayout output.
plotMapOptions Graphical options for plotMap
plotThermalGroupCapacities Plot for Thermal Group Capacities
plotXY Plot density between X et Y with ggplot2 and plotly
prodStack Visualize the production stack of an area
prodStackAliases Visualize the production stack of an area
prodStackExchangesLegend Plot an interactive legend for time series plots
prodStackLegend Plot an interactive legend for time series plots
renderLeafletDragPoints Shiny bindings for placeGeoPoints
runAppAntaresViz Run app antaresViz
savePlotAsPng Save interactive plot as a png image
setExchangesStackAlias Plot the exchanges of an area
setInteractivity Get and set interactivity mode
setProdStackAlias Visualize the production stack of an area
stackMap plot stack and map
tsLegend Plot an interactive legend for time series plots
tsPlot plot time series contained in an antaresData object