Edit an 'Antares' Simulation

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Documentation for package ‘antaresEditObject’ version 0.6.1

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-- A --

activateRES Activate RES in an Antares study
activateST Activate st-storage in an Antares study
add_week_number_column_to_ts Add week number column to a data.time of time series type
adequacyOptions Adequacy patch parameters for creating an area

-- B --

backupStudy Create a backup with an Antares Study

-- C --

check-version Is study an Antares v7 study ?
checkRemovedArea Seek for a removed area
check_consistency_reservoir_values For a given area, check consistency between reservoir and reservoir capacity values
check_mingen_vs_hydro_storage Check if mingen data and hydro storage data are consistent
check_mingen_vs_maxpower Check if mingen data and maxpower data are consistent
cleanUpOutput Clean up output based on geographic trimming
clearScenarioBuilder Read, create, update & deduplicate scenario builder
computeOtherFromHourlyMulti Compute daily, weekly, monthly and annual mc-ind from hourly data multiyear. (new)
computeOtherFromHourlyYear Compute daily, weekly, monthly and annual mc-ind from hourly data for one year. (new)
computeTimeStampFromHourly Compute daily, weekly, monthly and annual mc-ind from hourly data.
convertConfigToAdq Read adequacy patch config.yml into Antares (v8.5+)
copyOutput Copy of the output files of an Antares study
copyStudyWeb Import physical study to Antares Web (managed study)
create-binding-constraint Create a binding constraint
create-study Create an empty Antares study
createArea Create an area in an Antares study
createBindingConstraint Create a binding constraint
createBindingConstraintBulk Create a binding constraint
createCluster Create a cluster
createClusterBulk Create serial thermal cluster
createClusterRES Create a cluster
createClusterST Create a short-term storage cluster
createDistrict Create a district
createDSR Create a Demand Side Response (DSR)
createLink Create a link between two areas
createPSP Create a Pumped Storage Power plant (PSP)
createStudy Create an empty Antares study
createStudyAPI Create an empty Antares study
createVariant Create a study's variant
create_referential_series_type Create the correspondence data frame between the symbol and the type in scenario builder

-- D --

deduplicateScenarioBuilder Read, create, update & deduplicate scenario builder
deleteStudy Delete a study
dicoGeneralSettings Correspondence between arguments of 'updateGeneralSettings' and actual Antares parameters.
dicoOptimizationSettings Correspondence between arguments of 'updateOptimizationSettings' and actual Antares parameters.

-- E --

editArea Edit an area in an Antares study
editBindingConstraint Update an existing binding constraint
editCluster Edit an existing cluster
editClusterRES Edit an existing cluster
editClusterST Edit a short-term storage cluster
editDSR Create a Demand Side Response (DSR)
editLink Edit a link between two areas
editPSP Create a Pumped Storage Power plant (PSP)

-- F --

fill_empty_hydro_ini_file Write default values in hydro.ini file if the section is empty
fill_empty_hydro_ts_file Write default input time series if 'mingen.txt' or/and 'mod.txt' is empty
filteringOptions Output profile options for creating an area

-- G --

getCapacityDSR Create a Demand Side Response (DSR)
getCapacityPSP Create a Pumped Storage Power plant (PSP)
getJobLogs Retrieve job log from API
getJobs Retrieve API jobs
getPlaylist Get the playlist of an Antares study Antares API: *OK*
getVariantCommands Get API commands generated
get_default_hydro_ini_values Get default hydro.ini values
get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage Get the type of control to execute using the 3 necessary booleans
get_type_check_mingen_vs_hydrostorage_to_trigger Get the type of control to execute between mingen data and hydro storage data
get_type_check_mingen_vs_maxpower_to_trigger Get the type of control to execute between mingen data and maxpower data

-- I --

is_antares_v7 Is study an Antares v7 study ?
is_antares_v820 Is study an Antares v7 study ?

-- L --

list_pollutants_values Output pollutants list for thermal clusters

-- M --

mockSimulationAPI Mock API usage

-- N --

nodalOptimizationOptions Nodal optimization parameters for creating an area

-- P --

playlist Get the playlist of an Antares study Antares API: *OK*
propertiesLinkOptions Properties for creating a link

-- R --

readScenarioBuilder Read, create, update & deduplicate scenario builder
removeArea Remove an area from an Antares study
removeBindingConstraint Remove a Binding Constraint
removeCluster Remove a cluster
removeClusterRES Remove a cluster
removeClusterST Remove a cluster
removeLink Remove a link between two areas
replicate_missing_ts Replicate a data.table as many times as needed to get the same number of time series between 2 data.tables
rollback_to_previous_data Rollback to previous hydro data if the data is not consistent
runSimulation Run an Antares Simulation
runTsGenerator Run Time-Series Generator

-- S --

scenario-builder Read, create, update & deduplicate scenario builder
scenarioBuilder Read, create, update & deduplicate scenario builder
searchStudy Search study in AntaREST
setAPImode Set API mode
setPlaylist Get the playlist of an Antares study Antares API: *OK*
setSolverPath Set path to Antares Solver
storage_values_default Output pollutants list for thermal clusters

-- U --

updateAdequacySettings Update adequacy parameters of an Antares study
updateGeneralSettings Update general parameters of an Antares study
updateInputSettings Update input parameters of an Antares study
updateOptimizationSettings Update optimization parameters of an Antares study
updateOutputSettings Update output parameters of an Antares study
updateScenarioBuilder Read, create, update & deduplicate scenario builder
useVariant Create a study's variant

-- V --

variant Create a study's variant
variant-commands Get API commands generated

-- W --

write-ini Write configuration options in file or API
writeEconomicOptions Write Economic Options
writeHydroValues Write Hydro Values
writeIni Write configuration options in file or API
writeIniAPI Write configuration options in file or API
writeIniFile Write configuration options in file or API
writeIniHydro Edit hydro.ini values
writeInputTS Write input time series
writeMiscGen Write Misc Gen data
writeOutputValues Write output value for Antares
writeSeriesPrepro Write prepro data
writeVariantCommands Get API commands generated
writeWaterValues Write water values