Tidy Anomaly Detection

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Documentation for package ‘anomalize’ version 0.3.0

Help Pages

anomalize-package anomalize: Tidy anomaly detection
anomalize Detect anomalies using the tidyverse
anomalize_methods Methods that power anomalize()
anomalize_package anomalize: Tidy anomaly detection
clean_anomalies Clean anomalies from anomalized data
decompose_methods Methods that power time_decompose()
decompose_stl Methods that power time_decompose()
decompose_twitter Methods that power time_decompose()
gesd Methods that power anomalize()
get_time_scale_template Get and modify time scale template
iqr Methods that power anomalize()
plot_anomalies Visualize the anomalies in one or multiple time series
plot_anomaly_decomposition Visualize the time series decomposition with anomalies shown
prep_tbl_time Automatically create tibbletime objects from tibbles
set_time_scale_template Get and modify time scale template
tidyverse_cran_downloads Downloads of various "tidyverse" packages from CRAN
time_apply Apply a function to a time series by period
time_decompose Decompose a time series in preparation for anomaly detection
time_frequency Generate a time series frequency from a periodicity
time_recompose Recompose bands separating anomalies from "normal" observations
time_scale_template Get and modify time scale template
time_trend Generate a time series frequency from a periodicity