Annotate Package Load Calls

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Documentation for package ‘annotater’ version 0.2.3

Help Pages

align_annotations Vertical alignment of package annotations
annotate_active_file Annotate active file
annotate_data_active_file Annotate loaded data in active file
annotate_fun_calls Annotate function calls
annotate_fun_calls_active_file Annotate function calls in active file
annotate_pkg_calls Annotate package calls
annotate_pkg_datasets Annotate package datasets
annotate_repostitle Annotate package titles and repository sources
annotate_repostitle_active Annotate titles and repositories in active file
annotate_repos_active_file Annotate repositories in active file
annotate_repo_source Annotate repository sources
annotate_script Annotate script
check_pkgs Check if packages are installed
expand_metapackages Expand metapackages
expand_metapackages_active_file Expand metapackages in active file
get_pkg_datasets Query data from packages
match_pkg_names Match package names
pkg_version Retrieve Package version
repo_details Retrieve repo details