analogsea-package {analogsea} | R Documentation |
R client for Digital Ocean
This package is an R client for Digital Ocean's RESTful API, and a set of scripts that allow you to install R, RStudio server, RStudio Shiny server, or OpenCPU server, in addition to common packages used. The goal here is to spin up a cloud R environment without leaving R, and requiring no knowledge other than R. Of course if you are more experienced you can log in on the command line and modify anything you want, but for those that just want a quick cloud R environment, this should be one of the easiest options.
You need to authenticate to use this package. Get your auth token at - See
for more on authentication.
ssh keys
analogsea allows you to interact with your droplet(s) from R via SSH. To do this you need to setup SSH keys with Digital Ocean. Make sure you provide Digitial Ocean your public key at - GitHub has some good advice on creating a new public key if you don't already have one:
Note that when using ssh, you'll likely get warnings like "The authenticity of host can't be established ...". This is normal, don't be worried about this.
Note that if you want to connect over SSH to a droplet you have to
create the droplet with an SSH key with the ssh_keys
If you don't you can still interact with the droplet via the Digital
Ocean API, but you can't access the droplet over SSH.
Scott Chamberlain
Hadley Wickham
Winston Chang
Bob Rudis
Bryce Mecum