name |
[character] Name of the column to summarize.
type |
[character] Either "numeric" or "factor" as returned by
prep_test_dat() .
data |
[data.frame] The data.frame containing the columns and the
response variable.
lims |
[numeric(2)] A numeric vector of length 2 containing the
range for the density calculation for all variables where type == "numeric"
as returned by prep_test_dat() . Will be passed to
stats::density.default() arguments from and to .
resp |
[character] Name of the response variable.
n_dens |
[numeric] A numeric vector of length 1 giving the number of
equally spaced points at which density (used, available, and sampled) is
estimated. Passed to stats::density.default() , which indicates that n
should usually be specified as a power of 2.
avail |
[logical] Should distribution be calculated for the available
locations? Defaults to TRUE , but should be false when summarizing the
bootstrapped "used" samples.