Additive and Multiplicative Effects Models for Networks and Relational Data

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Documentation for package ‘amen’ version 1.4.5

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amen-package Additive and Multiplicative Effects Models for Networks and Relational Data
addhealthc3 AddHealth community 3 data
addhealthc9 AddHealth community 9 data
addlines Add lines
ame AME model fitting routine
amen Additive and Multiplicative Effects Models for Networks and Relational Data
ame_rep AME model fitting routine for replicated relational data
circplot Circular network plot
coldwar Cold War data
comtrade Comtrade data
design_array Computes the design socioarray of covariate values
dutchcollege Dutch college data
el2sm Edgelist to sociomatrix
gofstats Goodness of fit statistics
IR90s International relations in the 90s
lazegalaw Lazega's law firm data
ldZgbme log density for GBME models
llsrmRho SRM log likelihood evaluated on a grid of rho-values
mhalf Symmetric square root of a matrix
netplot Network plotting
plot.ame Plot results of an AME object
precomputeX Precomputation of design matrix quantities.
raSab_bin_fc Simulate a and Sab from full conditional distributions under bin likelihood
raSab_cbin_fc Simulate a and Sab from full conditional distributions under the cbin likelihood
raSab_frn_fc Simulate a and Sab from full conditional distributions under frn likelihood
rbeta_ab_fc Conditional simulation of additive effects and regression coefficients
rbeta_ab_rep_fc Gibbs sampling of additive row and column effects and regression coefficient with independent replicate relational data
rmvnorm Simulation from a multivariate normal distribution
rrho_fc Griddy Gibbs update for dyadic correlation
rrho_mh Metropolis update for dyadic correlation
rrho_mh_rep Metropolis update for dyadic correlation with independent replicate data
rs2_fc Gibbs update for dyadic variance
rs2_rep_fc Gibbs update for dyadic variance with independent replicate relational data
rSab_fc Gibbs update for additive effects covariance
rSuv_fc Gibbs update for multiplicative effects covariance
rUV_fc Gibbs sampling of U and V
rUV_rep_fc Gibbs sampling of U and V
rUV_sym_fc Gibbs sampling of U and V
rwish Simulation from a Wishart distribution
rZ_bin_fc Simulate Z based on a probit model
rZ_cbin_fc Simulate Z given fixed rank nomination data
rZ_frn_fc Simulate Z given fixed rank nomination data
rZ_nrm_fc Simulate missing values in a normal AME model
rZ_ord_fc Simulate Z given the partial ranks
rZ_rrl_fc Simulate Z given relative rank nomination data
rZ_tob_fc Simulate Z based on a tobit model
sampsonmonks Sampson's monastery data
sheep Sheep dominance data
simY_bin Simulate a network, i.e. a binary relational matrix
simY_frn Simulate an relational matrix based on a fixed rank nomination scheme
simY_nrm Simulate a normal relational matrix
simY_ord Simulate an ordinal relational matrix
simY_rrl Simulate an relational matrix based on a relative rank nomination scheme
simY_tob Simulate a tobit relational matrix
simZ Simulate Z given its expectation and covariance
sm2el Sociomatrix to edgelist
summary.ame Summary of an AME object
Xbeta Linear combinations of submatrices of an array
xnet Network embedding
YX_bin binary relational data and covariates
YX_bin_long binary relational data and covariates
YX_cbin Censored binary nomination data and covariates
YX_frn Fixed rank nomination data and covariates
YX_nrm normal relational data and covariates
YX_ord ordinal relational data and covariates
YX_rrl row-specific ordinal relational data and covariates
zscores rank-based z-scores