'Amber' Electronic Data Capture Client

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Documentation for package ‘amberr’ version 1.1.0

Help Pages

amber.campaign Get a campaign
amber.campaigns Get the campaigns
amber.case_reports Get the case report records
amber.case_report_export Export the case report records
amber.case_report_form Get a case report form
amber.case_report_forms Get the case report forms
amber.form Get a form
amber.forms Get the forms
amber.form_revision Get a form revision
amber.form_revisions Get the form revisions
amber.group Get a group
amber.groups Get the groups
amber.interviews Get the interview records
amber.interview_design Get an interview design
amber.interview_designs Get the interview designs
amber.interview_export Export the interview records
amber.login Opan a connection with Amber
amber.logout Close connection with Amber
amber.participant Get a participant
amber.participants Get the participants
amber.studies Get the studies
amber.study Get a study
amber.subjects Get subjects
amber.user Get a user
amber.users Get the users