Get an individual data.table of
Subordinate Administrative Regions from location
keywords |
Search keywords.
Rules: Country/Region, Province/State,
City, County/District, Town, Country, Road, Number, Room, Building.
key |
Amap Key.
Applied from 'AutoNavi' Map API
official website
subdistrict |
Subordinate Administrative Level.
Display level of subordinate administrative regions.
Available value: 0,1,2,3.
'0' do not return subordinate administrative regions.
'1' return first one subordinate administrative regions.
'2' return first two subordinate administrative regions.
'3' return first three subordinate administrative regions.
page |
Which page to return.
Each time the outmost layer will return a maximum of 20 records.
If the limit is exceeded,
please request the next page of records with the page argument.
offset |
Maximum records per page.
Maximum value is 20.
extensions |
Return results controller.
'base': does not return the coordinates of
the administrative district boundary.
'all': returns only the boundary value of the current query district,
not the boundary value of the child node.
filter |
Filter administrative regions.
Filtering by designated administrative divisions,
which returns information only for the province/municipality.
It is strongly recommended to fill in this parameter
in order to ensure the correct records.
callback |
Callback Function.
The value of callback is the customized function.
Only available with JSON output.
If you don't understand, it means you don't need it, just like me.
output |
Output Data Structure.
Support JSON, XML and data.table. The default value is data.table.
keep_bad_request |
Keep Bad Request to avoid breaking a workflow,
especially meaningful in a batch request
... |
For compatibility only