render_docs {altdoc}R Documentation

Update documentation


Render and update the function reference manual, vignettes, README, NEWS, CHANGELOG, LICENSE, and CODE_OF_CONDUCT sections, if they exist. This function overwrites the content of the 'docs/' folder. See details below.


render_docs(path = ".", verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, freeze = FALSE)



Path to the package root directory.


Logical. Print Rmarkdown or Quarto rendering output.


Logical. Render man pages and vignettes in parallel using the future framework. In addition to setting this argument to TRUE, users must define the parallelism plan in future. See the examples section below.


Logical. If TRUE and a man page or vignette has not changed since the last call to render_docs(), that file is skipped. File hashes are stored in altdoc/freeze.rds. If that file is deleted, all man pages and vignettes will be rendered anew.


This function searches the root directory and the ⁠inst/⁠ directory for specific filenames, renders/converts/copies them to the ⁠docs/⁠ directory. The order of priority for each file is established as follows:

Altdoc variables

The settings files in the ⁠altdoc/⁠ directory can include ⁠$ALTDOC⁠ variables which are replaced automatically by altdoc when calling render_docs():

Also note that you can store images and static files in the ⁠altdoc/⁠ directory. All the files in this folder are copied to ⁠docs/⁠ and made available in the root of the website, so you can link to them easily.

Altdoc preambles

When you call render_docs(), altdoc will automatically paste the content of one of these three files to the top of a document:

The README file uses the vignette preamble.

To preempt this behavior, add your own preamble to the README file or to a vignette.


if (interactive()) {


  # parallel rendering
  render_docs(parallel = TRUE)


[Package altdoc version 0.3.0 Index]