aldatata.api_key |
altadata.condition_in |
In condition by given column and value list |
altadata.condition_not_in |
Not in condition by given column and value list |
altadata.equal |
Equal condition by given column and value in the retrieve data process |
altadata.get_data |
Initialize retrieve data process |
altadata.get_header |
Get data header as a vector |
altadata.greater_than |
Greater than condition by given column and value |
altadata.greater_than_equal |
Greater than equal condition by given column and value |
altadata.less_than |
Less than condition by given column and value |
altadata.less_than_equal |
Less than equal condition by given column and value |
altadata.list_subscription |
Get customer subscription info |
altadata.load |
Fetch data with configurations given before |
altadata.not_equal |
Not equal condition by given column and value | |
Select specific columns in the retrieve data process |
altadata.sort |
Sort data by given column and method in the retrieve data process |