Model Classifier for Binary Classification

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Documentation for package ‘alookr’ version 0.3.9

Help Pages

cleanse Cleansing the dataset for classification modeling Cleansing the dataset for classification modeling
cleanse.split_df Cleansing the dataset for classification modeling
compare_diag Diagnosis of train set and test set of split_df object
compare_performance Compare model performance
compare_plot Comparison plot of train set and test set
compare_target_category Comparison of categorical variables of train set and test set
compare_target_numeric Comparison of numerical variables of train set and test set
extract_set Extract train/test dataset
matthews Compute Matthews Correlation Coefficient
performance_metric Calculate metrics for model evaluation
plot_cutoff Visualization for cut-off selection
plot_performance Visualization for ROC curve
run_models Fit binary classification model
run_performance Apply calculate performance metrics for model evaluation
run_predict Predict binary classification model
sampling_target Extract the data to fit the model
split_by Split Data into Train and Test Set Split Data into Train and Test Set
summary.split_df Summarizing split_df information
treatment_corr Diagnosis and removal of highly correlated variables