alluvial_ts {alluvial} | R Documentation |
Alluvial diagram for multiple time series data
This is a variant of alluvial diagram suitable for multiple (cross-sectional) time series. It also works with continuous variables equivalent to time
alluvial_ts(dat, wave = NA, ygap = 1, col = NA, alpha = NA,
plotdir = "up", rankup = FALSE, lab.cex = 1, lab.col = "black",
xmargin = 0.1, axis.col = "black", title = NA, title.cex = 1,
axis.cex = 1, grid = FALSE, grid.col = "grey80", grid.lwd = 1,
leg.mode = TRUE, leg.x = 0.1, leg.y = 0.9, leg.cex = 1,
leg.col = "black", leg.lty = NA, leg.lwd = NA, leg.max = NA,
xlab = NA, ylab = NA, xlab.pos = 2, ylab.pos = 1, lwd = 1, ...)
dat |
data.frame of time-series (or suitable equivalent continuously disaggregated data), with 3 columns (in order: category, time-variable, value) with <= 1 row for each category-time combination |
wave |
numeric, curve wavyness defined in terms of x axis data range - i.e. bezier point offset. Experiment to get this right |
ygap |
numeric, vertical distance between polygons - a multiple of 10% of the mean data value |
col |
colour, value or vector of length matching the number of unique categories. Individual colours of vector are mapped to categories in alpha-numeric order |
alpha |
numeric, [0,1] polygon fill transparency |
plotdir |
character, string ('up', 'down' or 'centred') giving the vertical alignment of polygon stacks |
rankup |
logical, rank polygons on time axes upward by magnitude (largest to smallest) or not |
lab.cex |
numeric, category label font size |
lab.col |
colour, of category label |
xmargin |
numeric [0,1], proportional space for category labels |
axis.col |
colour, of axes |
title |
character, plot title |
title.cex |
numeric, plot title font size |
axis.cex |
numeric, font size of x-axis break labels |
grid |
logical, plot vertical axes |
grid.col |
colour, of grid axes |
grid.lwd |
numeric, line width of grid axes |
leg.mode |
logical, draw y-axis scale legend inside largest data point (TRUE default) or alternatively with custom position/value (FALSE) |
leg.x , leg.y |
numeric [0,1], x/y positions of legend if leg.mode = FALSE |
leg.cex |
numeric, legend text size |
leg.col |
colour, of legend lines and text |
leg.lty |
numeric, code for legend line type |
leg.lwd |
numeric, legend line width |
leg.max |
numeric, legend scale line width |
xlab , ylab |
character, x-axis / y-axis titles |
xlab.pos , ylab.pos |
numeric, perpendicular offset for axis titles |
lwd |
numeric, value or vector of length matching the number of unique categories for polygon stroke line width. Individual values of vector are mapped to categories in alpha-numeric order |
... |
arguments to pass to polygon() |
if( require(reshape2) )
reshape2::dcast(Refugees, country ~ year, value.var = 'refugees')
d <- Refugees
set.seed(39) # for nice colours
cols <- hsv(h = sample(1:10/10), s = sample(3:12)/15, v = sample(3:12)/15)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .2, ygap = 5, lwd = 3)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, rankup = TRUE)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, plotdir = 'down')
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, plotdir = 'centred', grid=TRUE,
grid.lwd = 5)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = 0, ygap = 0, col = cols, alpha = .9, border = 'white',
grid = TRUE, grid.lwd = 5)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, xmargin = 0.4)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, xmargin = 0.3, lab.cex = .7)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, xmargin = 0.3, lab.cex=.7,
leg.cex=.7, leg.col = 'white')
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, leg.mode = FALSE, leg.x = .1,
leg.y = .7, leg.max = 3e6)
alluvial_ts(d, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, plotdir = 'centred', alpha=.9,
grid = TRUE, grid.lwd = 5, xmargin = 0.2, lab.cex = .7, xlab = '',
ylab = '', border = NA, axis.cex = .8, leg.cex = .7,
title = "UNHCR-recognised refugees\nTop 10 countries (2003-13)\n")
# non time-series example - Virginia deaths dataset
d <- reshape2::melt(data.frame(age=row.names(VADeaths), VADeaths), id.vars='age')[,c(2,1,3)]
names(d) = c('pop_group','age_group','deaths')