Allows you to Easily Interact with the Algorithmia Platform

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Documentation for package ‘algorithmia’ version 0.3.0

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AlgorithmiaAcl Internal class used to describe ACLs.
AlgorithmiaAcl-class Internal class used to describe ACLs.
AlgorithmiaAlgorithm Algorithm object which enables you to call Algorithmia algorithms. To create one, call: 'client$algo("algoUrl")'
AlgorithmiaAlgorithm-class Algorithm object which enables you to call Algorithmia algorithms. To create one, call: 'client$algo("algoUrl")'
AlgorithmiaClient Client object which makes it easy to interact with the Algorithmia REST API. To create one, call 'getAlgorithmiaClient("YOUR_ALGORITHMIA_API_KEY")'
AlgorithmiaClient-class Client object which makes it easy to interact with the Algorithmia REST API. To create one, call 'getAlgorithmiaClient("YOUR_ALGORITHMIA_API_KEY")'
AlgorithmiaDataDirectory DataDirectory object to interact with directories. Supports Algorithmia data directories, S3, Dropbox and more coming soon! To create one, call: 'client$dir("directory_path")'
AlgorithmiaDataDirectory-class DataDirectory object to interact with directories. Supports Algorithmia data directories, S3, Dropbox and more coming soon! To create one, call: 'client$dir("directory_path")'
AlgorithmiaDataFile DataFile object to interact with files. Supports Algorithmia data files, S3, Dropbox and more coming soon! To create one, call: 'client$file("file_path")'
AlgorithmiaDataFile-class DataFile object to interact with files. Supports Algorithmia data files, S3, Dropbox and more coming soon! To create one, call: 'client$file("file_path")'
AlgorithmiaDirectoryIterator DirectoryIterator object to iterate over child files or directories of a parent directory. To create one, call: 'dataDirectory$dirs()' or 'dataDirectory$files()'
AlgorithmiaDirectoryIterator-class DirectoryIterator object to iterate over child files or directories of a parent directory. To create one, call: 'dataDirectory$dirs()' or 'dataDirectory$files()'
getAlgorithmHandler Creates a new Algorithm Handler which registers the onLoad method (which loads the model or other dependencies for the algorithm) and the apply method which takes in the result of the onLoad method and the input from the user.
getAlgorithmiaClient Creates a new Algorithmia Client which you can use to call algorithms and interact with directories and files in the Algorithmia data API.
ReadAcl.MY_ALGORITHMS The ACL that allows your algorithms to read an item. Sample usage: dataDirectory$create(ReadAcl.MY_ALGORITHMS) dataDirectory$updatePermissions(ReadAcl.MY_ALGORITHMS)
ReadAcl.PRIVATE The ACL that allows only you to read an item. Sample usage: dataDirectory$create(ReadAcl.PRIVATE) dataDirectory$updatePermissions(ReadAcl.PRIVATE)
ReadAcl.PUBLIC The ACL that allows anyone to read an item. Sample usage: dataDirectory$create(ReadAcl.PUBLIC) dataDirectory$updatePermissions(ReadAcl.PUBLIC)