aldvmm.getnames {aldvmm}R Documentation

Creating Names of Parameter Vectors


aldvmm.getnames creates names of parameter vectors used in aldvmm. The order of the elements in 'lcoef' and 'lcpar' determines the order of parameters and the structure of summary tables returned by summary.aldvmm.


aldvmm.getnames(X, names, lcoef, lcpar, lcmp, ncmp)



a list of design matrices returned by 'X' is of length 2 and includes a design matrix for the model of component distributions and a design matrix for the model of probabilities of group membership.


a character vector of names of considered elements (distributions "beta", multinomial logit "delta" or constant distribution parameters, i.e. "lnsigma"). The elements in 'names' are combined with covariate names in 'X' and component labels in 'lcmp' to create a vector of names of parameter vectors.


a character vector of length 2 with labels of objects including regression coefficients of component distributions (default "beta") and coefficients of probabilities of component membership (default "delta").


a character vector with the labels of objects including constant parameters of component distributions (e.g. the standard deviation of the normal distribution). The length of 'lcpar' depends on the distribution supplied to 'dist'.


a character value representing a stub (default "Comp") for labeling objects including regression coefficients in different components (e.g. "Comp1", "Comp2", ...). This label is also used in summary tables returned by summary.aldvmm.


a numeric value of the number of components that are mixed. The default value is 2. A value of 1 represents a tobit model with a gap between 1 and the maximum value in 'psi'.


a character vector of names of parameter vectors used in aldvmm.

[Package aldvmm version 0.8.8 Index]