aides-package {aides}R Documentation

aides: Additive Information & Details of Evidence Synthesis


aides, an R package, has been proposed to be a useful collection of functions designed to offer supplementary information and intricacies in data synthesis and evidence evaluation. Essentially, package aides serves as an aiding toolkit for pooled analysis of aggregated data, crafted with a vision to support a more inclusive and informed approach to evidence-based decision-making; and it is developed with values on flexibility, ease of use, and comprehensibility. Package aides will be updated with advances of methodology of data synthesis and evidence evaluation. The initial goals are to simplify analysis process for both professionals and public users, and to support them in navigating the complexities of synthesized evidence. Long-term goal of package aides is to support knowledge translation and decision-making based on the obtained information with comprehensive understanding of the evidence.

Package aides is currently is developed using R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt). Extra imported packages are as follows:


Current version consists of eight functions, including four functions for examining fundamental assumptions before test of small-study effects (i.e. function PlotDistrSS, TestDisparity, PlotDisparity, and TestDiscordance) and four functions for performing sequential-method-related analyses (i.e. DoSA, DoOSA, PlotOSA, and PlotPower).

[Package aides version 1.3.3 Index]