Tools for Reading AIDA Files

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Documentation for package ‘aidar’ version 1.0.5

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getAnnotation retrieves the annotation of a given AIDA object by it's name from the given file
getCloud1D retrieves a given 1D cloud by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame
getCloud2D retrieves a given 2D cloud by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame
getCloud3D retrieves a given 3D cloud by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame
getFileInfo lists the content of a given AIDA file.
getHisto1D retrieves a given 1D histogram by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame
getHisto2D retrieves a given 2D histogram by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame
getHisto3D retrieves a given 3D histogram by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame
getProfile1D retrieves a given 1D profile histogram by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame
getProfile2D retrieves a given 2D profile histogram by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame
getTuple retrieves a given tuple by it's name from the given file and returns it as a data.frame